Official 2010-2011 San Jose Sharks Playoff Thread vs Vancouver Canucks; Vancouver Advances


Gotta start way more aggressive in game 7.
i would say im surprised that they would lose 3 in a row but im not surprised at all. this team is just a bunch of mental midgets 
Crumbled in the final minutes like Miami in the 4th quarter, oh wait, I mean like the Lakers against the Mavs.
check it fam, you're most assuredly not bout that life. retire ya keyboard. wash ya face.
the only thing that's going with the sharks is game 7 at home, i swear this game it seems like they were outplayed the whole time
The wings are a solid team, no surprise this series is going 7. All the games have been close, its been almost a toss up to whoever won the already played games. This is what home ice advantage is about, having the 7th and series deciding game at home. Hope the Sharks pull it out this Thurs night.
Originally Posted by Bruce Waynee

So glad I'm not a hockey fan.  I want the Sharks to do well and all but damn

i feel the same way, so many people i know dissappointed
i really want them to close this +*%! out, for their sake
My man
Can we get a witness and make this official? Where's ska at?So let's say the time period will be May 13-June 13, both sig and avy, and no going ghost for the loserAnd winner can request to change loser's sig/avy at any time?Sound good?
On May 11th of 2011, I, What up, have witnessed a lame propose a sig/avy bet which has been accepted by a Sharks fan.
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