Official 2010-2011 San Jose Sharks Playoff Thread vs Vancouver Canucks; Vancouver Advances

Originally Posted by NothingToL0se

thats doesnt sound like trolling? 1st post in here and its that?
anyways, where was all the hawks fan before they won the cup last year? 
I addressed that response earlier, I was merely stirring up some blood between fans. I wasn't trying to take it to personal attacks, but I guess I should have expected that from some members. As for the Hawks fans? You reside in the bay area am I right? You have absolutely a zero platform to insinuate what you're trying to, unless you visit Chicago often. Chicago is an original 6 team and has a very large and loyal fan base. Don't try to kick up dust because you recognized the fan base and any bandwagon following (like all champs get) after they won the cup. If you want to call me a troll merely because I dislike the Sharks and want to see them lose, then more power to you. NT likes to label things when it goes against their way. Looks like "troll" is the new "hater" around these parts, misused and over-used daily.
Ben Eager has been a punk for the last 2 years, not surprised by him at all.
San Jose needs to stop worrying about who's fighting who and play some hockey.

Everyone calling Joe Thornton an improved defensive center must be having their minds blown by watching Kesler. 
Originally Posted by FIRST B0RN

Originally Posted by NothingToL0se
I addressed that response earlier, I was merely stirring up some blood between fans. I wasn't trying to take it to personal attacks, but I guess I should have expected that from some members. As for the Hawks fans? You reside in the bay area am I right? You have absolutely a zero platform to insinuate what you're trying to, unless you visit Chicago often. Chicago is an original 6 team and has a very large and loyal fan base. Don't try to kick up dust because you recognized the fan base and any bandwagon following (like all champs get) after they won the cup. If you want to call me a troll merely because I dislike the Sharks and want to see them lose, then more power to you. NT likes to label things when it goes against their way. Looks like "troll" is the new "hater" around these parts, misused and over-used daily.
1. " You have absolutely a zero platform to insinuate what you're trying to, unless you visit Chicago often."
i guess you've never visited the bay area(or often
), hypocrite.
2. so what if chicago was an original team? like i said, where was all this "loyalty" before they won the cup? You and i both know damn well the hawks had it rough trying to get people in those seats.  So again, so what if they are an original 6 team? they get a pass b/c of it?

at the end of the day, you came in here with your head held high to only come out with it an inch off the ground.  Your whole "but..but..HE STARTEDD ITT!! WAHHHHHH" ain't gonna get you any sympathy.  If you really wanted to stir up the pot between teams, thats fine with me.  Would have zero problems with that.

anddd...i'm done with this cuz i dont even know how you'll twist that fact around to prolong this.  Heres to a sharks/canuck..errrr..blackhawk rivalry! 
Originally Posted by So Nyuh Shi Dae

The Sharks are actually playing like they want to win? What is going on here?
What do you expect when you pretty much counted them out after game 2.  Gotta wait to see how this weekend plays out
Originally Posted by ady2glude707

Originally Posted by So Nyuh Shi Dae

The Sharks are actually playing like they want to win? What is going on here?
What do you expect when you pretty much counted them out after game 2.  Gotta wait to see how this weekend plays out
I believe everything I said involved explaining why the Sharks have been losing and why this series has not been close. I don't see how noting what they're doing wrong means I'm "counting them out".
It's amazing that the Sharks have to get their %**$% kicked before they understand that they need to actually play well to prosper in the post-season. We'll see what the win does for them. 
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