Official 2010 NBA All-Star Weekend Thread A.K.A Official Lakers fans Vs Cavs fans thread Vol. U Mad?

Originally Posted by you big dummy

LeBron could have hopped out of the stands in street clothes, did 4 power dunks and won this, easily
He cud have done a SINGLE layup and won this, hands down
Demar's Dunks were much better
, this +!%+ was terrible.

The dunk contest was terrible.

The presentations was terrible.

TNT missing shots of the actual dunks

The Stadium was dead.
Originally Posted by AirUpHere23

Originally Posted by MOSTHATED770

this is THE WORST dunk contest of all time....
Absolutely the most boring, uneventful, slam dunk contest ever.

If the NBA is going to continue with this contest, they need to have talented enthusiastic people in it. Embarrassing. I used to look forward to the contest so much. Boring boring boring.

Hell, my boy D. Rose had a few dunks this season that would've won the contest hands down.

Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

I'm shocked he only got 51% of the vote.

Barkley sound like he wanna go to bed.

I don't think it was really even that close.  They were just trying to inject a little suspense and excitement b/c the contest was basically dudes after a high school practice showing out. 

If they're gonna have the contest be like this, I'd rather they don't even have one.  That was PAINFUL to watch. 
There has to be some limit on participating in dunk contests...if not, Nate should do us all a favor and just retire. Lebron gets a big
for backing out.
Nates showmanship is always nice but other than that it was weak. Listening to Charles was really the best part.

Lebron just refuses to get in it...
the dunk contest was horrible. nate deserved it though, none of the other dunkers showed any effort/preparation heart. Shame on you Shannon!
weak dunk contest......Derozen shoulda did something better, coulda made it work.

Lebron is a LABUM for backing out of it this year...........then again, it wouldnt have been a contest, it woulda been a slaughtering.
This wasn't worse than the 97 contest that Kobe won, or the Fred Jones yr, or Stromile Swift/Desmond Mason's winning years.
for sure the dunk contest was
'turrible' word to barkley....

barkleys lines tonight >>>> the contests tonight
they need to get it back to 8 dunkers

this #$$$ was garbage. i knew gerald was going to suck, since he said he was just gonna dunk and not plan
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