Official 2011-12 Houston Rockets Season Thread: Dejection, and it feelsbadman.

"Nick(Cali) [via mobile]
Pau Gasol to Houston for Scola and Lowery. What do you say?

Ric Bucher
(1:35 PM)
I say the Rockets would do it, as would some people in the Lakers' organization. But it probably has to be Scola, Lowry and Martin for Pau and Blake."

And I believe you missed my post where I said "If we could get Lowry & Scola for Pau like Bucher suggests would be accepted by Rockets (which means less than nothing) we should have made that deal at halftime
Add all of our young guys and a 1st rounder to add Courtney Lee and Patterson... Damn Bucher I know he is wrong but gave my heart the smallest bit of hope " I said it on page 317 of the Lakers thread. Go ahead and check yourself

and further list of my post 9 posts before that post on the same page said by me "Please tell me Bucher knows what he is talking about (doubtful) and Mitch or Jim were paying attention (doubtful)"

I simply explored what we could offer later on in the thread using the current constructs of what Bucher said
Bud looked depressed not getting in the game. McHale is very psychological. if your not playing, he wants you to support the players and Bud looked lifeless on the bench. I think if any1 is going to get traded its him--- and where is Jermaine Taylor??? thought he was going to resign after his 2nd physical.
6th in a row, Lowry 
, Kevin Martin picking it up, DalemBEAR lol, C. Lee since he's been back has been beasting it
now all we need is Scola to step up a little bit more, Cbud to embrace his bench role and stop sulking and hopefully we can turn this into something.
s/o to the team for winning games
but not even tryna sound like a hater (been a rockets fan as far back as i can remember basketball) 

Spoiler [+]
i can barely watch thru an entire game with this team... the talent level of our squad is so mediocre.. no chance of doing anything in the playoffs this year.
well remain the hardest working basic team in the league... 

im tired of being the 6-11 seed in the conference 
I feel you on the seeding we'd normally get in the playoffs 'throwed', but I actually love watching this team just to see
who steps up. I don't think we have a single mediocre guy on the team. Everybody on there goes out and balls no matter
what. Rather have guys like them than 90% of the Lakers guys --- dudes with no heart.

We still need a true star though.
7 straight 

Nice to see P.Pat finally playing well.
What more can I say about K.Low, a triple double. 
The guy is so underrated.
-Kyle Lowry with his 2nd career Triple Double. 

-Patterson telling Rubio, 'Get the #@$! out of here!" 

-Team played some good defense.

7 in a row!!
P.Pattah definitely bailed them out. Lowry

Man, Bud is straight T-Will status right now. What the hell happened???
Is Lowry up there as a great pg? and its good to see kmart nit being phased by the trade anymore, ppl say we don't have a real superstar but if we hit the playoffs Scola is being well rested, 3 games in a row, Kmart is back to ballin and Lowry is slowly becoming a star player right in front of us. Good time to finally be a rockets fan and lets go for 23 straight!
Yeah, would've been nice to see Bud in. Another W in the books!!
Just great to see them play to the end day in day out! Sweeeeet!
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