Official 2011 NBA Finals Thread: Dallas Mavericks are the 2011 NBA Champions. VOL: KidDirk get rings

Kenny Smith on Game 2- Mavericks
Chuck on Game 2- Mavericks
Greg Anthony on Game 2- Heat

Did Kenny Smith pick Mavericks in 6 this series?
Kenny Smith on Game 2- Mavericks
Chuck on Game 2- Mavericks
Greg Anthony on Game 2- Heat

Did Kenny Smith pick Mavericks in 6 this series?
Joey Crawford, Ed Malloy and Ken Maurer.

Ugh, I hope everyone enjoys the show these three put on tonight.

And that's not a dig towards either team.
Joey Crawford, Ed Malloy and Ken Maurer.

Ugh, I hope everyone enjoys the show these three put on tonight.

And that's not a dig towards either team.
Mavs 105 - Heat 90
Dirk comes alive, and JJ makes his lay ups.
Carlisle needs to save Peja for the home games where he is more comfortable.
Play Brewer and Mahinmi to mix things up.
I would like to see Chandler and Haywood on the floor together some too.
Mavs 105 - Heat 90
Dirk comes alive, and JJ makes his lay ups.
Carlisle needs to save Peja for the home games where he is more comfortable.
Play Brewer and Mahinmi to mix things up.
I would like to see Chandler and Haywood on the floor together some too.
the funniest thing is everybody crying bron traveled when he got up with the ball, bron was down on his knees. RONDO DOVE ON HIS WHOLE BODY PICKED THE BALL UP AND GOT UP WITH NO DRIBBLE AND MADE A LAYUP ON THE MAGIC.

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