Official 2011 NBA Finals Thread: Dallas Mavericks are the 2011 NBA Champions. VOL: KidDirk get rings

how you gonna give jim carrey a tech after letting wade and spo scream for thirty seconds
how you gonna give jim carrey a tech after letting wade and spo scream for thirty seconds
what's the point? go %+@@ yourself Stern. BDL
Lebron is Nothin' without the refs and leagues help. No wonder he stays getting dunked on in pickup games.

Now Bibby is FINALLY hitting shots and he's a savior.. Gotta love being 5th or 6th option.
Lebron is Nothin' without the refs and leagues help. No wonder he stays getting dunked on in pickup games.

Now Bibby is FINALLY hitting shots and he's a savior.. Gotta love being 5th or 6th option.
The corpse of Mike Bibby strikes again.

If Miami was hitting more of their FTs and if Bosh wasn't stinking it up the game might be out of reach for Dallas.

Marion having another strong game again.
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