Official 2011 NBA Finals Thread: Dallas Mavericks are the 2011 NBA Champions. VOL: KidDirk get rings

Marion should never shoot, just drive and get boards and play D.

Cardinal, gets a wide open 3 look misses and turns the ball over...smh...

and god dammit, get a rebound so many offensive boards for Miami...pissing me off
I'm in class and I can't watch the game on tv.

Mavs at home got the crowd behind them, starting off great and still cant pull away from the heat...........
Mavs at home got the crowd behind them, starting off great and still cant pull away from the heat...........
Originally Posted by nflowshoe

Mavs at home got the crowd behind them, starting off great and still cant pull away from the heat...........
Because they are playing good D but giving ZERO effort on the boards.
Originally Posted by nflowshoe

Mavs at home got the crowd behind them, starting off great and still cant pull away from the heat...........
Because they are playing good D but giving ZERO effort on the boards.
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