Official 2011 NBA Finals Thread: Dallas Mavericks are the 2011 NBA Champions. VOL: KidDirk get rings

LeDerrickRose looks scared out there. What a difference in swagger between him and House. 
I'd be worried if I were Miami... What the hell is the probability Dirk shoots 9% for the rest of the game..

I mean Stevie Wonder could shoot 9%
Heat should've sent somebody like Dampier or Big Z to take the fines and suspension. Cuz Stevenson should've got his jaw rocked. Then have dude attack the rest of the Mavs bench when they got on the court so he could take them with him.
Originally Posted by dland24

Im so sick of hearing about Kobe's game 7. Newsflash: the ENTIRE TEAM shot like $@$% in game 7. Wasnt just Kobe.

God Im not even a Laker fan and I have to defend against ******ed smack talk.
Thank you.
Regardless of what the thread title reads, someone will always bring up Kobe off the random !%** too.
People laughed at me when i said lebron's defense isn't that good. And that he really wasn't guarding Derrick rose. Well look now, terry lighting him up so bad they switched him off.

In fact I made a thread saying that lebron wasn't really guarding rose, and it got locked. Funny how even mods ride lebron to the death
dirks been carrying the mavs the whole year. they returned the favor in the first half, especially JET. time for dirk to go to work in the second half and not worry about that first half, it's over with. the heat play so much better when wade becomes the playmaker. eddie house keeping the heat in it.
No chance Miami wins this game! I don't see it happening. LeBron has to GO IN or they will be GOING HOME...

Terry goin off right now, but the Mavs wont win if they rely on him for the rest of the night like they have thus far. Wonder if it's gonna be Kidd or Dirk who steps up next half.
Originally Posted by Kn0wledgeable

People laughed at me when i said lebron's defense isn't that good. And that he really wasn't guarding Derrick rose. Well look now, terry lighting him up so bad they switched him off.

In fact I made a thread saying that lebron wasn't really guarding rose, and it got locked. Funny how even mods ride lebron to the death

come on son
lebron is an overrated defender but he shut down Rose in the clutch
Originally Posted by knightngale

Originally Posted by Kn0wledgeable

People laughed at me when i said lebron's defense isn't that good. And that he really wasn't guarding Derrick rose. Well look now, terry lighting him up so bad they switched him off.

In fact I made a thread saying that lebron wasn't really guarding rose, and it got locked. Funny how even mods ride lebron to the death

come on son
lebron is an overrated defender but he shut down Rose in the clutch

that hate is strong.
After all that...the score is still close. These teams are just destined to play close games
LeBron starts off red hot, Dirk is ice cold, the Mavs role players shoot lights out, there's a fight, and yet it's a close game at the half like always
Jim Carey need to start Terry the second half and play Dirk/Chandler the whole 2nd half too man
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