Official 2012 NBA Draft Thread


Originally Posted by Antidope

Originally Posted by Jay02

Lamar Odom back in LA. Clippers got him. Mo Williams off to Utah.
Khloe Kardashian won. But yea RIP Dorell Wright and good riddance.
And Mo Williams lost ...again. Traded once again. This dude was distraught when Lebron left leaving him all alone in Cleveland. You know he was just starting to love the Cali life, and then he gets shipped to Utah 
Wowwww Ross at 8? 
Solid player, but with Rivers still on the board? Wow.

I wanted him at 11 if Drummond wasn't there.
Big winners in terms of value so far are SacTown and Golden State. Both of those teams probably would have selected those players if they chose 2nd, maybe MKG over Barnes for GS but still a steal at 7

Biggest loser = Heather Cox. Shut the %#%% up +@$#* I wanted to slap her in the face interviewing Robinsons sister. Very happy for my dude TRob though

I'm still holding out hope for a Kyrie/Dion backcourt jury's still out IMO. And why do y'all keep saying he's fat? I go to Syracuse and he is a workout warrior, lives in the gym, wouldnt drink, and stayed in great shape. Unlike Fab's ******ed partying %** failing outta school and *%%!

EDIT: totally forgot about Drummond if Detroit grabs him here add him to the list
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