OFFICIAL 2015 NBA PLAYOFF THREAD (NBA FINALS SET; GSW V. CLE - (But we have a whole week before the

What Team is Going to Win the Finals?

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real talk skip and fat man's comments are why i despise espn. how are you gonna take umbrage with an athlete bonding with his child? F these trolls man. they're borderline scum.
yea f those guys. NBA players better not stop bringing their kids to the podium because of this
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Dwight Howard is pure trash. I don't respect this dude at all. He is by far the biggest waste of God given talent and ability I've ever seen in a professional athlete. He has NO HEART and is the definition of mentally soft. Lames and Rockets fans who haven't figured it out yet will defend him. If I was Houston I'd trade him or cut him outright. I can find big guys at gyms across the world with more fight and will to win then that guy.

If he can't average 20-15 in this series sleeping vs Bogut and the boys I honestly believe he should be thrown out the league. Right along side the Knicks.
Damn bow, where is all this coming from?

What happened G?
real talk skip and fat man's comments are why i despise espn. how are you gonna take umbrage with an athlete bonding with his child? F these trolls man. they're borderline scum.

Do any of these guys have kids? TBH, Steph's daughter was perfectly fine under the circumstances. A two year old, up at 10:30, just sitting at a table with a bunch of lights and strange people in front of her. A lot of kids would have a melt down in that situation; not just be a little squirmy.
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Absolutely nothing. Because it would've given him "material" to write about Lebron being a family man and "father figure" in his inevitable column about Lebron the next day.
LeBron is a father figure to Brian Windhorst.
Damn bow, where is all this coming from?
What happened G?

I've said it before but don't think everyone saw my post. I'm a Wizards fan 1st and foremost but I do like and root for the Lakers. That's my number 1 issue.

Dude has been regarded as a top big in a league devoid high caliber bigs. He doesn't dominate like he should IMO. He can stat stuff but so can a lot of players. I give him props for reaching the Finals but since his impact hasn't amounted to anything. I judge him on the superstar scale and last night he came up small, right on time. I can directly link GS taking the lead to end the half on his TOs.

I just want a series worthy of a top superstar center. Elevate your game under this pressure. He can't afford not to show up at this juncture. Howard's career even with the Finals appearance and stat stuffing has been a disappointment in the era he plays in IMO. If others feel different cool. He's not CP3 playing in the era of PGs.
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Yeah, who can be pissed off about a dude with a family having his family on stage fielding questions with him?

Nobody normal gives a crap about these postgame interviews, I doubt Steph likes them either. Go beastmode on em with ya kid
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Man tell me about it. I said trash and lame this morning. Got crush by my thread mates. Ha ha ha JK

Kinda Srs though.
There's a way to express your opinion without saying that "anyone who disagrees is a lame" though

Then after folks went at you, you said "why people have to insult me?"

No big deal just sayin
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Do any of these guys have kids? TBH, Steph's daughter was perfectly fine under the circumstances. A two year old, up at 10:30, just sitting at a table with a bunch of lights and strange people in front of her. A lot of kids would have a melt down in that situation; not just be a little squirmy.
I hope Steph brings out his entire bloodline tomorrow night

Seth, Dell, cousins, aunts, nieces, nephews, the wife, grandparents, inlaws.....



And of course......
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They hate success b
That's how the media be like

Its not just the media though. Its everyone thanks to Twitter, FB, etc. If this wasn't the Internet age it would be a completely non-story. But nowadays everyone can comment on any little things that happens.
There's a way to express your opinion without saying that "anyone who disagrees is a lame" though

Then after folks went at you, you said "why people have to insult me?"

No big deal just sayin

It's just a phrase. It's like me going to a Jordan 5 thread for example and saying they are ugly. Then people coming at me because I said they wear ugly shoes. It's really petty to harp on that and not the same as me directly insulting someone.

Dudes on here just said the East Coast is soft. I guess I should get angry and call them names too right? I live out here and I too should be insulted and that gives me the ok to Insult them?

I can't say anything without it being taken literally. I say Howard's trash and get 10 angry post telling me I'm wrong. In the same thread that LeBron is constantly called washed. It's a double standard and comical.
I hope he does some troll crap like that. I hope his teammates bring their child too 

The Clippers always have a bunch of kids around after games. CP has brought Little Chris up to press conferences a bunch of times. Barnes has had his twin boys up there. Nobody's ever complained about that and I've even seen some of the local beat writers say good things about it,
relevant (pardon the poor formatting)

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[h2]Why Riley Curry found herself on the podium[/h2]
By Al Saracevic
May 20, 2015  Updated: May 20, 2015 1:58pm


Stephen Curry’s two-year-old daughter, Riley, joined him on the press conference podium after the Warriors’ Game 1 victory over the Rockets Tuesday night in Oakland.

She was cute. She was precocious. She told her daddy to “Be quiet.” Then played peek-a-boo with the audience from under the curtained podium. In the process, she stole the nation’s heart ... except for certain members of the sports media.

Believe it or not, some press types complained that it was unprofessional for Curry to bring his daughter up for the press conference. Their argument? Her adorable presence stood in the way of the usual exchange of banalities, with deadlines looming.

We won’t throw these particular writers under the bus, naming names. If you have a Twitter account, you can figure it out. Nor will we waste our time standing on a soap box, joining the deafening chorus of people chastising these tone-deaf Tweeters. There’s no debate here. The Curry & Curry Show was the best thing to happen to a post-game interview in years. Anyone who couldn’t see that should take some time off to regroup.

What we will  do is explain the circumstances leading up to Riley’s appearance on national television.

In the controlled chaos following an NBA playoff game, players retreat to their clubhouse. Thousands of fans clog the hallways and stairs, trying to get out of the Arena. And the media scrambles around desperately, waiting for coaches and players to make themselves available for a quick quote before deadline hits.

It’s a relatively wild situation, with people moving in every direction. An atmosphere filled with emotion — either joy or despair — depending on the game’s outcome. And so it was late Tuesday night in Oakland, after the Warriors’ 110-106 win.

The one group of people who aren’t pushing, shoving or moving around after a professional sports contest are the families of the players. They wait patiently in the dark corriders of the arena, waiting for their boys to shower up, have a bite to eat and do some interviews. Only after all that is done do the families reunite, hugs and kisses and all.

And that’s where I found Ayesha Curry, with adorable Riley on her lap, after Tuesday night’s game. Steph Curry’s adorable young family was waiting for him in the hallway outside the lockerroom, sitting on the cold floor, well past 10 p.m. Ayesha looked tired, but happy. Riley was restless.

“So this is the glamorous NBA lifestyle, huh?” I asked Mrs. Curry, who laughed and smiled.

“Yeah, right? Not so glamorous sometimes,” she answered. Shortly after, a Warriors staffer rushed over and got her a chair to sit on.

Inside the team’s clubhouse, Stephen Curry was trying to grab a quick bite to eat before doing his obligatory media session. A PR man approached the NBA’s MVP and delivered a message: “Your daughter is getting antsy out there. She wants to see you.” Steph nodded and ducked in for some food.

A few minutes later, he emerged and reunited with his daughter. She wanted to be with her Daddy, so he took his daughter to work.

The resulting press conference is something all Bay Area sports fans will remember. And I’m sure Riley will regret it when Mom and Dad are showing her date the video on prom night. It was a memorable moment, after a memorable game. Just another fantastic finish in this dream season.

Whoever has a problem with that has bigger problems. Enjoy your newfound fame, Riley. You earned it.
Everyone should just Ron Artest Game 7 it

Windhorst is just mad that there are extra people in the room breathing in the air that his fat *** needs
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It's just a phrase. It's like me going to a Jordan 5 thread for example and saying they are ugly. Then people coming at me because I said they wear ugly shoes. It's really petty to harp on that and not the same as me directly insulting someone.

Dudes on here just said the East Coast is soft. I guess I should get angry and call them names too right? I live out here and I too should be insulted and that gives me the ok to Insult them?

I can't say anything without it being taken literally. I say Howard's trash and get 10 angry post telling me I'm wrong. In the same thread that LeBron is constantly called washed. It's a double standard and comical.
I really don't think you're comparing similar situations at all, but I don't know that's just me. I happen to be one of the folks that disagreed with you about Howard. Basically you called me a lame, I thought we was cool 
I really don't think you're comparing similar situations at all, but I don't know that's just me. I happen to be one of the folks that disagreed with you about Howard. Basically you called me a lame, I thought we was cool :frown:

We are. I'm cool with everyone on here. Even ColdCity. Our Bulls Wizards beef ends outside this thread. He's on my PSN friends list I think. It's never as serious as it may sound or get. My life's only been threaten once on NT from a troll in a Foam thread. I wasn't the only one either. He's long gone.
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