Baldwin @ NYJ


Hurns vs Indy across the pond

Mind you my only other recievers are Decker and Parker and I already started Parker on Thursday

I'm leaning Hurns because of Indys pass D and not trusting Wilsons injury just yet but would like some opinions.
Julius Thomas out. Hope those who have him makes the change within the next 20 min[emoji]128514[/emoji]
Need a flex.

C. Ivory vs. Indy

G. Barnidge @ Washington

Sort of pathetic. Decker, Dez out for me today.
Julius Thomas out. Hope those who have him makes the change within the next 20 min[emoji]128514[/emoji]
I woke up 5 minutes before kickoff, and added Dwayne Allen real quick. It was between him and Marty Bennett, I hope I didn't choose wrong
Baldwin @ NYJ


Hurns vs Indy across the pond

Mind you my only other recievers are Decker and Parker and I already started Parker on Thursday :x

I'm leaning Hurns because of Indys pass D and not trusting Wilsons injury just yet but would like some opinions.

Brissett starting for the Pats. Pick one for flex, PPR:

Edleman vs. BUF
Tamme vs. CAR
Sharpe @ HOU
I think Luck will be a lot better once Moncrief is back. He needs that big, reliable target
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