Gase can’t see the Forrest for the trees right now. Yeah the offensive line is horrible, and the defense has really regressed.

...but this team is INCREDIBLY undisciplined. I’ve never seen so many penalties, it’s almost a guarantee each drive. Especially in the trenches. I get the offensive line struggles, so they will hold. But illegal formation calls are inexcusable. Suh and the D-line are not focused. They’re almost a lock to jump on the hard count, and teams have exploited that.

Want to convince me that a team plays for its coach? Show me the amount of unforced errors in the game.

DAVIE — There isn’t a cornerback in the NFL who has played more than 53 snaps and is worse this season than Xavien Howard, according to Pro Football Focus.

Howard is rated as the worst cornerback in the NFL, ranked 115th, with a rating of 33.3.
In pass coverage, Howard is ranked 115th; in run support, 79th.

Howard had a particularly rough game on Monday night in Carolina. According to Pro Football Focus, Howard was targeted seven times, allowing five receptions for 87 yards and three touchdowns.

According to a review in this weeks’ “The Tape Don’t Lie” Howard was directly responsible for two touchdowns, one by tight end Ed Dickson and one by receiver Devin Funchess.

Howard was also called for a pass interference in the end zone.

:smh: :smh:
Well, in a game we played TERRIBLY, it came down to the final play.

A game we had 4 turnovers and 17 penalties, came down to the last play.

We lost our 2nd string QB, no RT, our OG's BOTH got hurt, we had the refs take away a TD AND a Safety........

Our coach keeps this mash unit in the game despite all that. That is why you HAVE TO get him some players. He will get wins, but gotta have players.

Oh, BTW, anyone notice the poor Oline not getting murked by stunts and blitzes anymore? :nerd:
Anyone notice Damien Williams knocking out defensive ends pass blocking? :nerd:

As for the TO's, 1st INT, DVP was tripped. Not called.
3rd INT, DVP drops pass in BOTH hands. That's not on Jay.

#2, that was all Jay's fault. Terrible throw.
And Tampa missed the FG.

Holding, on Suh? :smh: These refs should be fired for this game.
The review of the Safety......they reviewed it and STILL got it wrong. :stoneface: Atrocious call.
The TD to Fasano, called PI. :stoneface:

Should have been 5-5 with a shot still. But, maybe this actually benefits us and helps us in the draft. We'll see.

17 penalties*, 4 TO's, multiple injuries, a TD and Safety taken away from us, lost on the last play of the game. That's almost impossible.
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Well, in a game we played TERRIBLY, it came down to the final play.

A game we had 4 turnovers and 17 penalties, came down to the last play.

We lost our 2nd string QB, no RT, our OG's BOTH got hurt, we had the refs take away a TD AND a Safety........

Our coach keeps this mash unit in the game despite all that. That is why you HAVE TO get him some players. He will get wins, but gotta have players.

Oh, BTW, anyone notice the poor Oline not getting murked by stunts and blitzes anymore? :nerd:
Anyone notice Damien Williams knocking out defensive ends pass blocking? :nerd:

As for the TO's, 1st INT, DVP was tripped. Not called.
3rd INT, DVP drops pass in BOTH hands. That's not on Jay.

#2, that was all Jay's fault. Terrible throw.
And Tampa missed the FG.

Holding, on Suh? :smh: These refs should be fired for this game.
The review of the Safety......they reviewed it and STILL got it wrong. :stoneface: Atrocious call.
The TD to Fasano, called PI. :stoneface:

Should have been 5-5 with a shot still. But, maybe this actually benefits us and helps us in the draft. We'll see.

17 penalties*, 4 TO's, multiple injuries, a TD and Safety taken away from us, lost on the last play of the game. That's almost impossible.

2 INT's were on Cutler, not 1. He should've never thrown that pass in the first place. But Jay doesn't give a #%@^ so I'm glad he got knocked out, AGAIN.

Matt Moore brought the team back in it, but you give the credit to Gase. My god man, your bias is leaking through your eyeballs. Without Moore, that game is a blowout. 3 picks in 1 half, unacceptable. And the coach keeps running him out there to get killed, I wonder why. There's probably 10 million reasons......

Btw, this defense gets paid upfront and they did nothing. Suh, Wake? Harris? Branch? Where's the pass rush? Fitzpatrick punked the Dolphins, not even Jameis. They lost at home to a 3-6 team. But get the coach some players. :lol:

Nah, get me a coach that doesn't keep calling WR screens for no gain, and that values linemen over overpaying fat turds like Julius Thomas and a retired QB who smokes in the huddle.
2 INT's were on Cutler, not 1. He should've never thrown that pass in the first place. But Jay doesn't give a #%@^ so I'm glad he got knocked out, AGAIN.

Matt Moore brought the team back in it, but you give the credit to Gase. My god man, your bias is leaking through your eyeballs. Without Moore, that game is a blowout. 3 picks in 1 half, unacceptable. And the coach keeps running him out there to get killed, I wonder why. There's probably 10 million reasons......

Btw, this defense gets paid upfront and they did nothing. Suh, Wake? Harris? Branch? Where's the pass rush? Fitzpatrick punked the Dolphins, not even Jameis. They lost at home to a 3-6 team. But get the coach some players. :lol:

Nah, get me a coach that doesn't keep calling WR screens for no gain, and that values linemen over overpaying fat turds like Julius Thomas and a retired QB who smokes in the huddle.


I don't have the energy for this man. DVP was tripped, if not, it might be a tub, not a pick. That's not on Cutler.

I thought 40-0 would have silenced you for good, but I should have known better. Moore comes in and provides a "spark" because teams don't prep for him, but guess what, the defense playing better in the second half doesn't have anything to do with Moore, he doesn't play D. Gase coaches all 46 of em on Sunday, every snap. Every snap, they fought back, like they've done for two years now, even when Moore doesn't play. You always fail to get that thru your thick *** skull.

Gase doesn't care about 10 million dollars. Do you get that? Suh makes 28 ******* million dollars, what is he doing better than Cutler? 10 million means NOTHING. Cutler is the better Quarterback, he always has been. Only a true moron would believe otherwise.

He called one screen yesterday........Albert is flat out retired, RETIRED, so in that sense, Julius is better than nothing. (but he will be gone next year, hopefully, and Cutler (or Kap) had to be brought in once we lost our starting QB, who you don't think makes any difference to the team anyways, so..... :lol: )
Tell ya what Finnns, I’ll be a nice guy, I want you to tell me who all needs to be on the team next year. As in, who do you keep? Factor in money, age, experience, usefulness, all that.

So, Ju’Wan James, injured back to back years, approx. 18 mil next year, do you keep him?

Landry, heart and soul, but limited WR in that he can’t go deep or be the big go-to WR like Julio, OBJ etc. Have to pay him big contract, you keep him?

You want Matt Moore back next year?

So Cutler and Tannehill are out.

Pouncey? Bushrod? Do you want to keep Tunsil? (Keep him, because he’s cheap at least, and can improve…..)

Stills has to stay, he just signed. DVP, do you keep him?

Drake and D-Will are cheap, so keep them, or do you want them out?

We all agree Julius has to go, do you keep Fasano?

So, you keep Moore, Stills, Tunsil, maybe the RB duo, who else are you keeping? The players already on the team, who are you keeping?

Defense, you keeping Suh at 28 mil? Wake at his age, starting to slow down. We just re-signed Branch, like Stills, so he kinda has to stay. Harris is a rookie, easy keep at least. Philips, Godchaux?

You keep Timmons, or Kiko? We get Rake back next year, even tho he blew his knee the first play of his career, he’s young and cheap.

Reshad? TJ McDonald we signed for 4 years, so he should stay. Tank is a rookie, easy keep. How about Howard? You keepin him?

Kicker/Punter/Long Snapper

Who are you keeping out of that part of the group? Suh, Philips, Branch, Harris, Rake, Tank, TJ, Reshad? Howard? Anyone else?

Name the players you want kept off this 53 man roster, every single name. Show them to me, and then I will go from there.
Time to tank and invest in the future.

This season was lost after Ryan tore his ACL
Tell ya what Finnns, I’ll be a nice guy, I want you to tell me who all needs to be on the team next year. As in, who do you keep? Factor in money, age, experience, usefulness, all that.

So, Ju’Wan James, injured back to back years, approx. 18 mil next year, do you keep him?

Landry, heart and soul, but limited WR in that he can’t go deep or be the big go-to WR like Julio, OBJ etc. Have to pay him big contract, you keep him?

You want Matt Moore back next year?

So Cutler and Tannehill are out.

Pouncey? Bushrod? Do you want to keep Tunsil? (Keep him, because he’s cheap at least, and can improve…..)

Stills has to stay, he just signed. DVP, do you keep him?

Drake and D-Will are cheap, so keep them, or do you want them out?

We all agree Julius has to go, do you keep Fasano?

So, you keep Moore, Stills, Tunsil, maybe the RB duo, who else are you keeping? The players already on the team, who are you keeping?

Defense, you keeping Suh at 28 mil? Wake at his age, starting to slow down. We just re-signed Branch, like Stills, so he kinda has to stay. Harris is a rookie, easy keep at least. Philips, Godchaux?

You keep Timmons, or Kiko? We get Rake back next year, even tho he blew his knee the first play of his career, he’s young and cheap.

Reshad? TJ McDonald we signed for 4 years, so he should stay. Tank is a rookie, easy keep. How about Howard? You keepin him?

Kicker/Punter/Long Snapper

Who are you keeping out of that part of the group? Suh, Philips, Branch, Harris, Rake, Tank, TJ, Reshad? Howard? Anyone else?

Name the players you want kept off this 53 man roster, every single name. Show them to me, and then I will go from there.

Alright, I'll play. Here's what is ideal for this team, and what should be done.

-Let DVP go. He's soft, inconsistent, and doesn't show top 15 production despite the high pick. I thought he'd be better than this, but he's soft and doesn't care. Keep Landry and Stills at all costs
-Let Julius go, $ be damned. Fasano can stay as a blocking TE but we need to grab a guy who can bust the seam and make opposing LB's pay the way other teams exploit Kiko.
-Kiko stinks, I hope McMillan is back but I would try to grab at least 2 new LB's in 2018. 1 draft, 1 FA.
-The young CB's don't have any INT's this year, and Howard has taken a step back. CB is a need, high pick in the draft
-TJ McDonald and Reshad are kinda heavy hitting, same type safeties. We need a ball hawk like Earl Thomas, go safety high pick
-RB is either FA or 4th/5th round pick. Maybe for Ajayi's pick :smh:
-I wish this team traded Wake years ago. Too late. He, Suh, and Branch all make too much $ to be here. Someone has to go, for this $ but if Tannenbomb stays through 2018, nothing will change there
-We have no pass rush. How does that get fixed? Matt Burke should NEVER EVER have been placed into the d-coordinator role. Too much zone for this crappy pass rush

Team has holes all over. If folks expect Tanny to come back and make this go away, it won't. The GM and coach have gotten rid of vets with little effect. Yeah yeah, these guys chip and catch passes. They cannot take 30 carries week to week. Maxwell is gone but Howard gets torched with 0 int's, must be Maxwell's fault

So the coach has had one old guy LB want to go back to his old squad, another with an arrest, a line coach who does lines, trades away the star RB for a day 2 pick, keeps running Jay Cutler's Marlboro #%^ out there after tons of iNT's, but we're supposed to believe everything is ok huh? This franchise is in dumpster fire mode yet again. Without new ownership, nothing will change, we keep saying this.
Basically the only guys I want to keep are Landry, Stills, McMillan, Tank, Suh, and Harris as the jury is still out. Everything else can go, firesale!
Basically the only guys I want to keep are Landry, Stills, McMillan, Tank, Suh, and Harris as the jury is still out. Everything else can go, firesale!

You just made my ENTIRE POINT. :lol: :rofl:

YOU, finnnns, blame and talk **** about Gase day after day, yet you, the same person, want to keep LESS THAN TEN PLAYERS from this roster. :rofl: :nerd:

You blame the coach, with a roster you yourself would get rid of 43-45 players.

Your words. The players YOU want.

But you blame Gase. Who has been here for 1.5 years. Lost his starting QB. His starting MLB. His RT. His backup MLB. His backup QB off and on. And a RB who wouldn't read his playbook, block, or catch passes, not to mention DVP, Wake, Suh all underperforming (and not guys he brought in :wink: )


So, how you can blame a Coach for a completely garbage roster, only your finnns brain could be that dumb.

Like I told you, Belichick "couldn't coach" in Clev.
Carroll "couldn't coach" for the Jets.

Get them players, look what they could do.

Speaking of Carroll, Seattle leads the league in penalties.
Belichick coached a mass murderer.

But you blame GASE for Malaluga or an assistant coach acting foolish???? :smh:
Well, first off, you're absolving him of any blame for the roster shape up. Why? Did you not blame Philbin at any point for the same thing? He got his guys in Julius Thomas, Cutler, is he not responsible for that? What about ignoring the OL? Who is responsible? He continually praised Bushrod, who has been hot garbage for a good 2 seasons now. Pouncey has never been the same since the injuries. Tunsil and James are not playing like 1st round picks. Basically, if you want to absolve him of blame for the 40 guys I want gone, that means he doesn't have enough input, or he's just getting excused for Tannebaum's mistakes, in which case he should go. Grier, what is he good for? He was bad his first time around.

Again, this is why I keep saying, if we rebuild, do it correctly. Fire the GM, then the coach later. Coach, then the GM later. Fire everyone and press reset. This team should be 2-8. The Chargers shouldn't have missed those kicks. But even at 4-6 with 2 remaining against Darth Belichick, you're talking way under .500. So who is it gonna be? Grier? Tannenbomb? Gase? All 3? Heads have to roll. The franchise is a dumpster fire.

The RB is looking great in Philly. Maxwell will probably face him in the NFC playoffs, along with Dion Jordan. If we let Landry go, he will go to NE and become a HOF'er. I just want to hear how you'd fix the team, because I can guarantee you whatever plan you come up with, Tannenbomb will execute a worse plan and we're gonna go down the same path again. No playmakers. I keep saying this, until we have guys that can change the game on a superstar level, we won't do jack. We keep drafting busts in the 1st round.
Serious, if you start hypin Dion Jordan, I'll kick the **** out of you. :lol:

He didn't go get "his guys" and include Cutler. No. He got Julius, that is it. Julius Thomas, no one else.

Tannehill was hurt. If he's healthy, there is no Cutler. Get that thru your head.

He got ONE player that was "his", Julius Thomas. (They tried to get CJ Anderson, remember that? :nerd: )

I have zero clue what Grier does.

My point is, you expect Gase to flip the entire roster in 18 months. That's a stupid expectation. Even if he had full control, he couldn't/shouldn't do that.

I don't care about Baum or Grier, bottom line, they have to get better players. Period.

Maxwell fits in Seattle, not Miami.
Ajayi worst Oline here, best (or 2nd best) in Philly. Of course he can look good there. You think Zeke would be good here in Miami? Or Richard Sherman playin off coverage?

They need to cut dead weight and build inside out.

I try to trade down 1-2 times and get 1-2 extra picks. Add another CB and LB.

Flip/cut Wake, Kiko, Pouncey, Julius.

I keep James and Landry.

Try to restructure Suh/Tannehill.

Spend SOME money on an extra CB + DE. Maybe even TE.

Take a flier on any RB, maybe a young UDFA to go with Drake/D-Will. Worry about a bellcow in 2019.

Again, even if we did ALL of this, still another year from cutting all dead weight. Maybe Reshad goes, maybe Suh, maybe we give up on DVP or Tunsil (in 2019, not '18)
Serious, if you start hypin Dion Jordan, I'll kick the **** out of you. :lol:


He didn't go get "his guys" and include Cutler. No. He got Julius, that is it. Julius Thomas, no one else.

Tannehill was hurt. If he's healthy, there is no Cutler. Get that thru your head.

He got ONE player that was "his", Julius Thomas. (They tried to get CJ Anderson, remember that? :nerd: )

I have zero clue what Grier does.

My point is, you expect Gase to flip the entire roster in 18 months. That's a stupid expectation. Even if he had full control, he couldn't/shouldn't do that.

I don't care about Baum or Grier, bottom line, they have to get better players. Period.

Maxwell fits in Seattle, not Miami.
Ajayi worst Oline here, best (or 2nd best) in Philly. Of course he can look good there. You think Zeke would be good here in Miami? Or Richard Sherman playin off coverage?

They need to cut dead weight and build inside out.

I try to trade down 1-2 times and get 1-2 extra picks. Add another CB and LB.

Flip/cut Wake, Kiko, Pouncey, Julius.

I keep James and Landry.

Try to restructure Suh/Tannehill.

Spend SOME money on an extra CB + DE. Maybe even TE.

Take a flier on any RB, maybe a young UDFA to go with Drake/D-Will. Worry about a bellcow in 2019.

Again, even if we did ALL of this, still another year from cutting all dead weight. Maybe Reshad goes, maybe Suh, maybe we give up on DVP or Tunsil (in 2019, not '18)

Respectable. I don't think you want Tannenbomb or Grier here either. They either don't draft based on need or they're whiffing on BPA. The defensive line was supposed to be a strong suit. Charles Harris, Branch, Suh, Wake, Phillips, etc. The pass rush is anemic

I don't think Burke is the right fit for D-Coord. I don't think Gase is the right fit to call plays. I think those two roles should change too. Let Clyde call plays? Go find a Jim Schwartz to coach defense. Burke's Bungals style defense, the wide 9, is bunk.
Kiko Alonso allowed 10 of 11 passes thrown against him to be caught for 138 yards in Sunday’s loss to Tampa Bay. For the season, Alonso has permitted completions on 48 of 59 passes for 523 yards and three touchdowns. Those 48 completions are second-most among all 4-3 outside linebackers.

Lawrence Timmons has allowed 29 of 39 passes thrown against him to be caught for 244 yards and two touchdowns, with a 107.2 passer rating in his coverage area.

Mike Hull, who played early in the season when Timmons went AWOL and was suspended for a game, has allowed all nine throws against him to be caught for 91 yards.

Gronk may catch 15 for 280. Extending Kiko and relying on old guys like Maluauga and Timmons is another reason this team should be 2-8.
Matt Moore as a starter, 8 quarters, 1 TD.

Are we done with this **** finally? :lol:

He is not a starter. He is great off the bench when a team spends zero time prepping for him. He is dead meat when a team spends a week prepping for him. Same as it's been his entire decade in the NFL.
On the bright side, if we manage to lose out vs Denver, NE, Buffalo, KC and Buffalo again, we'd be looking at a top 5-6 pick. And with our needs, we could still trade down, add picks, and get even more bodies in here.

We know we get Tannehill and Rake back next year. (and we need them, clearly)

So, we could/should be looking at
OG Quenton Nelson from Notre Dame
RB Saquon Barkley from Penn St
OT Orlando Brown from Oklahoma
DE Bradley Chubb from NC St
CB Josh Jackson from Iowa
OLB Harold Landry from Boston College

At least one of these will fall to us, and even better, with all the overrated QB's being taken in the top 5, we could easily move down and still get one. :pimp:

* Obviously, some of these will drop off, injuries, or bad play, and others will rise, but these are top names at positions of need, gives you an idea of where we can start looking.
I think Barkley you can skip, he should be gone by that time anyway.

However Guard + Guard need to be top priority picks. Pouncey is left trying to block three people. No push off the line and Bushrod has been only serviceable. It's just been putrid for years.

I believe Corner is a need as well. Tank has played well, Xavien has struggled. He covers well, he just never plays the ball.

Defensive line needs to be helped, speficially the edge. Hayes is breaking down and is the teams best run stopper, made a huge difference. Wake is another year older. Harris has talent, needs to stop the run better. Will fill in for Wake nicely, just wasn't a need in last year's draft.

With Rak coming back next year it should put everyone in their natural position. Added depth from Stephen will help in nickle and dime as well, from what I saw he plays pretty good in coverage. When they play out if position (Kiko) it just kills. Kiko on the weakside is far and away a much better player.

I think the team has one hell of a safety squad.

Supposedly the Dolphins can free up almost $50 mill in contracts, don't know how but that's what I read.

Round 1 Quenton Nelson
Would be ok with:
Mike McGlinchey at guard
Minkah Fitzpatrick at corner
Sam Hubbard
Carlton Davis

Round 2 - Bryce Love or Ronald Jones

Round 3 - Kevin Toliver or Mike Hughes

Round 4 - Chad Thomas or Martez Ivey at guard

I've only done so much draft prep though, would have to do some more digging. But those are my initial.
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