Adam Gase is a missed kick from 0-2. The playcalling, preparation, schemes are weak. No wonder Timmons tried to run back to Pittsburgh

I knew it was going to have some bad points, but damn.
Cutler tho. :smokin

Only Cutler gets mentioned? What about Gase and the coaching staff not having the team prepared? What about starting slow for the 100th game in a row? Burke should've never been the guy at defensive coordinator. I saw this posted on another Fins board

We've seen Gase call 19 games now and we never start off hot....we never start the 1st quarter exploiting our opponents weakness, and it usually takes 3 quarters for us to find it. Either our pro scouting dept is **** or our coaches don't have the foresight to put together a good plan.
I do believe Cutler should've been benched at some point too, Moore destroyed these same Jets last season and I still don't know why we needed Cutler to replace him. DVP, Stills, Thomas, Landry, all these "weapons" and we take like 1 shot against a tanking team.

Heads need to roll for this. Again, missed FG kick from 0-2.

Our team plays flat, D stinks, Oline bad, and all you ever did was criticize Tannehill, but this one ain't on Cutler. :lol:

Seen, noted, and laughed at.
All kidding aside, this was as brutal a loss as I can remember. Just horrible.

We know the roster is weak, losing Tannehill, McMillan, Lippett, and then whatever the **** is happening with Timmons is really bad. :smh:

Cutler knows the O, but he limits this O. He ran similar RPO's as Ryan, but zero threat to run so D loads up on Ajayi, part of why I wanted Kap, he'd spread defenses thinner.
Luke McCown carved us like nothing, now we meet Drew Brees. :lol:
All kidding aside, this was as brutal a loss as I can remember. Just horrible.

We know the roster is weak, losing Tannehill, McMillan, Lippett, and then whatever the **** is happening with Timmons is really bad. :smh:

Cutler knows the O, but he limits this O. He ran similar RPO's as Ryan, but zero threat to run so D loads up on Ajayi, part of why I wanted Kap, he'd spread defenses thinner.
Luke McCown carved us like nothing, now we meet Drew Brees. :lol:

Brees, Brady, Matty Ice, all licking their chops.

Timmons evidently wanted to go back to Pittsburgh. He must've known how bad this team really is. The LB's all look like they are stuck in quicksand, the DB's are playing 6 yards off all the time, and the front 4 barely got any pressure on McCown. The defense is awful. Where is Charles Harris, 1st round pick? Tannenbombed roster

Cutler shares blame, but again, Matty Moore should be playing. He earned that last season.
This would be a good season for the team to tank. We're obviously not going anywhere with this roster.
Tough to tank tho at this point.

How sell that to Suh, Wake, Reshad?

Landry gone soon, wasting hits on Ajayi, not much cap space going forward.....tough sledding.

I'd love to sell parts for picks, y'all know me, but not much market for what we have. We are stuck dead center in the middle, the worst place to be. :frown:
Tbh, looking at the schedule, we probably don't have to try to tank to do so. Not many of these games seem winnable at this point.
Tbh, looking at the schedule, we probably don't have to try to tank to do so. Not many of these games seem winnable at this point.

The Saints will carve us alive this week, with Burke leading the way. You've got 2 losses to the Pats, at least 1 to the Bills, Ravens, and Falcons. So that's already 7 losses, then you have teams like Denver, Oakland and KC. I think 5-11 is a real possibility.
I think you have pieces to sell... Landry for sure will bring a high 2, possible 1 and WR is expendable. Trade Timmons to Pittsburgh :lol:

Bringing something high for him along with a top 10 pick... which seems inevitable after this nonsense and squeking one out in San Diego... on top of that London, and 16 straight, and... and... and... and...
I think you have pieces to sell... Landry for sure will bring a high 2, possible 1 and WR is expendable. Trade Timmons to Pittsburgh :lol:

Bringing something high for him along with a top 10 pick... which seems inevitable after this nonsense and squeking one out in San Diego... on top of that London, and 16 straight, and... and... and... and...

I still can't believe he went back to Pitt and expressed regret at leaving. Who does that? It's pathetic. But also speaks volumes on how bad the team is. Would he have done that if he was on the Patriots or Packers? No way.
0 TDs
163 yards passing
1 fumble
Jay Cutler's day in London
How is it that the crappy Jets and Saints play more physical football than us? Why is a defensive tackle our starting TE? Why do we try awful jump balls on first and goal? This and more, next time on Stephen Ross' Circus Spectacular

But this guy is better than Matty Ice Moore. :lol:

Let's see, do I want a guy with a 100 QB rating in 1/4 of a season with good chemistry with the players, or a guy out of the buffet line?

Adam Gase, you are a phony QB whisperer
Dolphins coach Adam Gase remained irked about his offense on Monday, making clear that players need to do their jobs better and that nothing will change “if we keep throwing [garbage] out there.”

But Gase indicated quarterback Jay Cutler’s job is not at risk and that Cutler is not primarily to blame for an offense that has produced only 25 points in three games, including a total of six points in the past two.

According to sources, Gase has given no consideration to a quarterback change, partly because Cutler is partly a victim of mistakes being made around, including poor blocking, missed assignments and flawed route running.

And even if Gase thought Cutler was the big problem – which Gase doesn’t – the coach would not be inclined to pull the plug on his starting quarterback this early in the season, according a source. The Dolphins host Tennessee on Sunday.

Asked the basis for his faith in Cutler, Gase said: “I know where the ball is supposed to go. I know who is supposed to do what on every play. If we protect him and give him a second to throw the ball, we’ll be all right. If he is going to get hit from start to finish, I don’t care who you put back there. We need to do a better job of protecting him and being where we’re supposed to be.”

Gase conceded “there are some things footwork wise [Cutler] is going to be better at. He knows where to go with the ball. We’re going to keep working on protecting the football when things break down in the pocket [after Cutler fumbled once Sunday]. We can’t just let him take hit after hit after hit after hit and expect him to stand in there. It’s not going to happen.”

Does criticism of Cutler bother Gase? “It drives me nuts,” Gase said. “When I got here, I heard Ryan Tannehill couldn’t play. That was wrong. The evaluation skills of quarterbacks is really bad. I’m not going to listen to anybody outside myself.”

Gase also didn’t blame Cutler for his interception in the end zone to Julius Thomas.

“There are a couple specific coaching points will be made clear when we meet with the guys that I would rather see done differently,” Gase said. “Jay is trying a fade throw, so we need guys to do things right. The protection, the route, the way they played it, where we’re at on the field wasn’t really an ideal call that I wanted. I had about one second to make that call considering he had to come to me, run 40 yards [because of malfunctioning headsets]. First one I could think of. We need guys to execute that play better.”

Though Gase does not blame Cutler, his team hasn’t topped 20 points in any of his last eight starts dating to the start of last season – five with the Bears and three with the Dolphins. And his passer rating has been below 82 in six of those eight games.

Gase said all the Dolphins’ offensive players need “to look themselves in the mirror and realize do your job and things will go right….Offensively, we have to do what we’re coached to do. We have to be more detailed in what we’re doing. That’s where we’re putting ourselves in bad situations because we’re not getting it done. We’re not doing things right.”

What specifically is not being done right?

“It’s everybody,” Gase said. “Guys have to do what their job is and a lot of things will clean up. If we do our job, if we do what we’re supposed to do, we will be fine. If we keep throwing [garbage] out out there and not do what we’re supposed to do, then it will be what’s it’s been the past two weeks. We can clean this up very simply by doing what we’re supposed to do. If you’re panicking you’re in the wrong profession.”

Asked if he’s surprised that the team’s blocking hasn’t been better, Gase said: “Some of it is the defense does a good job and wins some one-on-one matchups. Some of it is we don’t get the ball out soon enough. Some of it is we didn’t run the right route. It’s something different every time. When we have all these leaks in the dam and trying to plug all these holes, that’s where you’re going to get in trouble.”

Gase didn’t make any significant lineup changes on Sunday but didn’t rule them out: “I will put the guys in there that I think will do the job I need them to do. I don’t have to specifically have to name names. We’ll go through the week. If I feel like I’ve got to put somebody else in or play somebody else more, then we’ll do it.”
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