Official 2017 NBA Offseason Thread: Media Days begin

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Young Ray Allen not prime ray Allen.

Ray Allen's first 3 years he was 17/4/4 on 43/37/87

Zach Lavine last year was 19/3/3 on 46/39/84
And Tyreke Evans averaged 20/6/5 his rookie season.  Why are we comparing stats of random players over totally different eras?
10027 doesn't like anyone though.

Like no one
Not true at all.  I don't like guys who are OK at scoring and terrible at everything else though.
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imma miss the young gawd Zach and wish him well.

He seemed like an extremely hard working kid and did well off the court here in Minnesota working with the deaf school in Saint Paul I know them kids are gonna miss him :frown:
To give some perspective on this whole comparing stats between Allen and Lavine thing (which makes no sense for a million other reasons)

The average points per team Ray Allen's second year was 95.6.  The average points per team last year was 105.6.
Lavine, if fully recovered, will put up monster stats with the Bulls next year but they will be pretty empty IMO

he'll be a fantasy god on a bad team
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Boston crazy if george would sign an extension. Pacers should trade for love , he is sorta a star and white your selling out every game.

They already sell out every game though if I'm not mistaken. White PG seems to be their big target anyway
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How would they work that out getting both?

If I'm not mistaken, they are trying to sign Hayward (or at least have a verbal agreement) first, then make the deal for George. They should be able to put a package together to bring in George without taking on so much salary.
To give some perspective on this whole comparing stats between Allen and Lavine thing (which makes no sense for a million other reasons)

The average points per team Ray Allen's second year was 95.6.  The average points per team last year was 105.6.

Young Ray Allen fam. I not even saying that Lavine will touch Allens prime. You acting like Ray came outta the gate as a killer.

Nostalgia is helleuva drug
I was gone during the draft and am not trying to read 500 + posts. Was there a NT consensus on which team had the best draft?? Kings were solid yesterday IMO
Young Ray Allen fam. I not even saying that Lavine will touch Allens prime. You acting like Ray came outta the gate as a killer.

Nostalgia is helleuva drug
So then what is the point of the comparison?  Ray Allen had a mediocre rookie season, what does that have to do with Zach Lavine?
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