Who is going to win the Big Ten this season?

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I don't even say this often: But -- Two of Josh Rosen's TD passes were sure INTs. Amazing sequence of events and he kept battling, but never seen two guaranteed TOs morph into TDs like that.
I don't even say this often: But -- Two of Josh Rosen's TD passes were sure INTs. Amazing sequence of events and he kept battling, but never seen two guaranteed TOs morph into TDs like that.
that one that went right through the hands of the A&M corner into the UCLA receiver for a TD was huge. Interception there and ESPN isn't even showing highlights of that game.

Lettr sent to Coach Sumlin's home that, at least, one of his kids (the oldest) saw.

Lost in the fandom is the humanity
That's what that link above was. Been gone from NT so long I don't know how to embed ****.
Surprised there wasn't more colorful language from deep Texas.
a female wrote that too.

The address they used was the Houston Country Club at that lol. This may seem odd to some, but I lived in the South for 37 years and outside of high school, I probably heard the "N" come out of a white person's mouth a handful of times as adult. And I mean in a way that was directed to that person with the intent to upset/offend them.

Where I work may have a lot to do with that, too, considering that will not fly at all, but ... I was in Mobile, AL and Houston for nearly 20 years total and near some pretty damn country parts.

That said, take a trip a few hours east of Houston to a place like Vidor, near the Louisiana border and I'm sure that's a regularly used word in their vocabulary. Hell, they had, or may still have signs that say "only whites after dark" or something to that effect. I believe it's where a guy was dragged behind a truck for miles and Dennis Rodman paid for the funeral. Going off memory, so my details may be a bit.
Predictions for tomorrow's games?

PSU covers against Pitt
TCU > Arkansas
WMU > MSU :lol:
Oregon > Nebraska
Auburn > Clemson
OSU > OU, but OU covers
Stanford > SC
Utah > BYU
Boise State > Wazzu

Lettr sent to Coach Sumlin's home that, at least, one of his kids (the oldest) saw.

Lost in the fandom is the humanity

I grew up 8 miles from A&M's campus, this is the reason I've always rooted against them.

A shop in the local mall used to sell Confederate flags in Aggie colors.

A&M is where the entited conservatives send their kids.
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