Official 2018 Los Angeles Dodgers Thread : Game 4

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I mean...i cant deny fwiw, ruiz is an offensive upgrade...very sad to see AJ go..and of course kersh was seen shedding tears in the clubhouse... :frown:

Edit:before i get someone with "u guys wanted him gone a long time ago..blah blah blah..."... a starter. Were kool with aj as a backup and being a solid clubhouse guy.
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whhhat bros no lies in my head i was saying we needed to pickup ruiz the dodger killer but who knew it was gonna be for AJE!!!!
[emoji]128546[/emoji][emoji]128557[/emoji] them tweets about AJ out of tears

still confused how starters isnt a priority, move makes sense aj has been pretty much phased out of the lineup
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Ellis described Kershaw as "shocked" by the trade. The two men wept together, he said.

kersh gonna come and avenge his bff AJ
This FO gives no damns! Move makes sense, Kersh got his boy a contract that he had no business getting, so he can't be that mad at the FO.
just throw any lefty out there v the dodgers n we're doomed

never fails, damn error
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This is what happens when u play howie Kendrick in LF and start Charlie Culberson at 2B because there are no better options.

PLS GOD. gimme a nono.
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Lol. Oh wells..well take 2 of 3 and like it...STILL think we need a RH OFer with pop. On to the cubbies.
wait this dude reddicks at bat song is really stone cold steve austin :rofl:

hell yeh

reddick cannot buy a hit
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Lol...look at him pointing at the base! Gotta give him least he has a sense of humor about it. Dude is pressing so hard it aint funny.
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