Official 2018 Los Angeles Dodgers Thread : Game 4

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Guys relax it's just game 1
We had the Cubs shook for a bit before the grand slam

I agree. I like that Doc walked the hitter to burn Chapman. He just lost the gamble. If Blanton didn't hang that 0-2 pitch to Montero, and got him out, we would have carried that momentum into the next inning. Again, gambled on the numbers, and lost this time.
We still have yet to win a game that Kershaw doesn't pitch 

On to game 2. The Gawd will bring us home tied up 
Guys relax it's just game 1
We had the Cubs shook for a bit before the grand slam

I agree. I like that Doc walked the hitter to burn Chapman. He just lost the gamble. If Blanton didn't hang that 0-2 pitch to Montero, and got him out, we would have carried that momentum into the next inning. Again, gambled on the numbers, and lost this time.
Yup, only mistake we made was not putting in Dayton but hindsight is 20/20
Cant wait to see the Cubs W sign memes after we beat them this series.
I actually feel pretty good after this game. The Dodgers aren't backing down anytime soon and will continue competing.
I actually feel pretty good after this game. The Dodgers aren't backing down anytime soon and will continue competing.
Every game is going to go down to which bullpen will implode
I'm going to lose some hairs after watching this series :x
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Tbh..i didnt give us much of a chance today with kenta-lester going..3-3 was a tease..and with Chapman out and kenley available..i thought we were playing with house money..

Blanton threw the same hanging slider and montero crushed it. Shoulda threw the back foot slider..i doubt he missed location TWICE in a row....

anyways...tom is a must win..IDC WHAT ANYONE SAYS.
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