Official 2018 Los Angeles Dodgers Thread : Game 4

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The boys are looking good right now, but I'm sure the front office may be thinking about acquiring that #2 caliber arm this summer. Would you guys rather the Dodgers unload Bellinger or Urias at this point?
I would argue that Rich Hill is on the trading block given his lack of durability

I doubt we would ever get a good deal for him though
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Fact of the matter is that I can't see the Dodgers getting an impactful arm without giving up a prospect with Major League sample.

On another note, Bryce Harper is alright with me. Dude has always hit the Giants well but today's mound rush and hit was :smokin
Fact of the matter is that I can't see the Dodgers getting an impactful arm without giving up a prospect with Major League sample.

On another note, Bryce Harper is alright with me. Dude has always hit the Giants well but today's mound rush and hit was :smokin
Mortgaging our future for the present is too much already this season. We already have done that multiple times in the past couple years and only half of the moves panned out while we still haven't been to the World Series. Let's just start building around Cody and Corey.
Besides, Wood and Mccarthy have looked real solid now. Let's hope they keep that form for the season.
I trust the nerds. They've stood firm on all of our top prospects when teams were thirsty for them and it's paid off. Remember the crazy asking price for Hamels and Dozier?

Plus I think they're waiting for the '18 FA class to go all-in since a lot of the money they've inherited is finally off the books. :smokin
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Y'all are right though. Belly has exceeded my expectations but I'm just impatient with Urias. It's easy to forget that he's only 20 years old.

At the end of the day the nerds are right and having these young guys perform at a high level, with lower salaries, will allow the club to be flexible moving forward. Machado, Harper, or somehow grabbing Aranado would be awesome.
Fact of the matter is that I can't see the Dodgers getting an impactful arm without giving up a prospect with Major League sample.

On another note, Bryce Harper is alright with me. Dude has always hit the Giants well but today's mound rush and hit was
Agree. This is the downside of everyone knowing how good your farm system is.

Re: Harper....mound rush was bomb and he landed a nice one. But c'mon if you're gonna go helmet throw, at least hit the guy.
Reasonable east coast start time and national tv....usually doesn't end well for me lol. Hope we turn it around. Rough start
accept my deepest apologies to chase for wanting to release him
props to davey for staying loyal lol
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