Official 2018 Los Angeles Dodgers Thread : Game 4

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im with them need to make a deal to put us over the top ... 1988 fellas .... kirk gibson aint walkin thru that door
Good news: Ryu pitched like he had the spirit of Kersh in him

Bad news: Bats couldn't get it going against Bum :frown:
1st major league at bat, amazing :pimp:

Awesome moment

Edit: 1st major league at bat, 26 year old rookie, extra innings, vs the Giants, first hit is a walk off double :pimp:
8 straight. .705 win pct.

We're on about the same pace as the '98 Yankees and '01 M's.

Hopefully not the same end result as the latter >D
8 straight. .705 win pct.

We're on about the same pace as the '98 Yankees and '01 M's.

Hopefully not the same end result as the latter >D
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