Official 2018 Los Angeles Dodgers Thread : Game 4

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cant lose if theres no game

My friend sent me this. Please tell me its photoshopped. You guys seriously didnt give out trash cans at the game yesterday, right? This is a joke, right?


  • 20170909_212726.jpg
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Kids trash can giveaway for back to school doesnt see like a bad giveaway.

You must be implying how trash we've been for the last 10 games? sucks this skid has still kept us in first place and still with the best record in the league while the giants were eliminated from doing anything in the playoffs 8)

dont worry bro im also hurting from that 9er showing
Kids trash can giveaway for back to school doesnt see like a bad giveaway.

You must be implying how trash we've been for the last 10 games? sucks this skid has still kept us in first place and still with the best record in the league while the giants were eliminated from doing anything in the playoffs 8)

dont worry bro im also hurting from that 9er showing

I mean....a backpack, a notebook, pencil case, player folders, etc.....would all seem like a better giveaway for back to school but hope the kids enjoy their garbage cans. Lol

And yes. The Giants are trash. Rebuild city.

If my kid was throwing apple cores onto the clean carpet then theyd get the paddlin, but /kanyeshrug free is free
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