Official 2018 Los Angeles Dodgers Thread : Game 4

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Cleaning boxes out. Anyone know who’s signature this is?
Kemp & Manny not running hard?

I heard that too. Don’t let Joe Buck make these guys look bad. He’s an idiot if you really pay attention to that he says. He was trying to get that one going and Smoltz simply said,
“ehh this late in the year, there’s a time and a place to run them out.”
No point in going %100000 when the ball is already on its way to 1B and you’re just getting outta the box. Don’t need them getting hurt while making an out namsayin.

Dodgers bullpen> “The best bullpen in baseball”

So glad Jeffress gave up that bomb. I can’t stand his tough guy act on the mound. Foh with that.
You know Joe is on one, if Smoltz is one to be correcting him and defending the fellas LOL! Are there any “poor sport” pieces yet on the Jeffress quote about JT?
Dodger stadium about to be loud tonight, especially after what we witnessed from the fanfare at Miller Park over the weekend.
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