Official 2018 Los Angeles Dodgers Thread : Game 4

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My exact reaction to this. But you ain’t lying. Gotta do something. Bring up May.

Russ Martin our best reliever :smh:
So we’re gonna do this thing again when our bullpen is a bunch of bums (pedro, kelly, yimi) and davey gonna say how he hs confidence in them and keep trotting them out there w 3-4 run cushions only for them to **** it up.
So we’re gonna do this thing again when our bullpen is a bunch of bums (pedro, kelly, yimi) and davey gonna say how he hs confidence in them and keep trotting them out there w 3-4 run cushions only for them to **** it up.

the accuracy of this hurts
Cody really going for that MVP this year. I feel a lot better about not signing Harper when your converted outfielder is leading the league in homers and RBI. If anything, I'd be good with LA not making a splashy move in the summer and instead trading for + relievers. Imagine how it's going to be when Seager and Turner pick it up.
I'm with you on Kimbrel, because it's just money (and not my money). When I mentioned splashy moves in the summer, meant more so trading prospects.
Still way too early but Muncy been real bad. Awful spring too. Might be a one year wonder. :smh:

Verdugo gotta get at bats over him. BTW: his at bat music always gets the crowd lit :lol: Vicente :pimp:
:pimp::pimp:Cortez’s came in this morning and rocked them to the gym. New favorite shoe for sure. Thinking of getting another pair......or two. :nerd:
If anyone can get a lead on a 6.5 in blue I’d appreciate it. My wife’s are too tight she said
Pretty much wearing the Cortez with a similar fit like Buehler but with a denim shirt and LA fitted. Can’t wear too much blue to get people thinking I’m cuzzin.
You can only wear those with shorts and high white socks

Lol I Wore them to the gym, with black socks. But I’d be lying if I said I didn’t tear through my sock drawer looking for a fresh pair of whites.

Will report back at 3am with photo of them with jeans. I’ll be off work then.
Tried on mine but not my style. I’d never wear them. I like the look just not for me. Probably gonna send them back since my wife’s didn’t fit.
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