Which team will win the 2018-2019 NBA Championship?

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"The Celtics have won six of their last 10 games and can pull even with the Pacers with a win tonight." :nerd:
As of right now the bucks only concern is Brogdon and he’ll be back by the time we need him.
If Magic doesn’t trade him for pennies by then.

I don't even care if he's not a Laker in fact if history is any indicator it's probably going to be best for his career to get outta here. And I think he knows it too.
If I had to pick between DLo and Zoo, I'll pick Dlo. However, that's not to say I dont like Zo, I think and hope dude comes back and balls.

IMO Dlo offense is way better and Zos D is better, playmaking about the same. Is just how you construct your team.
The Wizards are technically still alive in the playoff hunt, so they continue to roll out their starters for a full complement of minutes.
Damn, how.......

(that East is something else< Lebron should have stayed tbh)
Go to your room boy.
I'm not talking about EVERY team, I'm talking about 1, pay attention.
Every team isn't a Contender, every year, a few are.
Bucks are this Year, agree?
Which is why the post mentioned "Bucks" specifically.
I don't know if you got hit with the Stupid stick but it's sure silly I have to give a Poster such as yourself a Walk Through on basic comprehension.

Friend is from Third Ward and a Big Bucks fan, he isn't quite as excited today as he was 1month ago.
He said the wheels are coming off:rofl:
I just saw Milwaukee Lineup sitch for tonight and immediately understood his lack of Confidence today.....

Hence the reason for my post.
Reason for your post is unknown but until you can do better.....
Shut your pie hole, Son!
Gfolks talking.

@Vincent Van Goat Has this man had it?
I’ll laugh so hard if the Lakers land the #1 pick.

Salute to the Nets. Perhaps the Russian Contigent keeps the team now.
Bklyn is gonna be a hit spot. Especially with the borough alone having more than 2 million residents alone, gentrification on going, and and homes and condos galore.

The Nets practice facility/ HQ in Sunset Park along the water looks amazing.

That dumb *** poll made it to KTLA :lol:
Notice how Kobe not even mentioned?

Real recognize real
Do you guys talk to your dogs in baby talk?

My girlfriend does it...makes me mad I ever got her one. Annoying a** terrier.

Man, if I work from home or get home before my girl, every time she comes home the first thing she does is start doing the baby talk with the dog the. squeaking and throwing toys and I’m like “Bruh - she was just sleeping and **** was calm while I was either coolin watching SportsCenter or in serious work mode now I gotta deal with this nonsense.” **** has me SMFH every time. She even goes as far to call her a “big baby” and a “cuddle bug”. I obviously let her live and have never said anything, though because I don’t want that smoke :lol:

I have a very strange vernacular dynamic because when I’m at work, I have on my top notch vocabulary and tone on an extra next level. However, ne of my roles now is overseeing a ~$4B (I shaved $650MM off from roughly $4.75) factory renovation since like January and factory workers have been GOING IN on my vocabulary and voice meanwhile my executive mentors say I sound crisp and polished :lol:.

On the other hand, when I’m with my boys, or even my girl, we’re basically talking like we do on here :lol:. With our dog, I use a mix of talking like I’m in the Board Room, on NT and will rarely use the baby voice but on weeks like this when my girl is on business travel and I send her videos of the dog playing, I certainly use an exaggerated voice :lol:
If it goes anything like Randle or D'Lo the same people bashing Lonzo will be telling us how they knew he was the goods the entire time & talking about how they've been "fans" of their games :lol::lol: & the Lakers were holding him back

Not I. If I’m wrong then I’m wrong but I don’t see it at all. Good player sure, but all star level? Hell nah

Damn sure not 15/7/11
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