Official 2019 NYK offseason thread. Brooklyn knick fans check in

How the hell you give up on 21 yr old Dennis Smith Jr already. I want him as our starting PG but evaluate him after 15/20 games. Then put Payton in if needed. I honestly see no playing time for Frank. Also I believe starting Morris over Knox will humble and give young Kevin more of that chip on his shoulder.
I've been a member of this community over 15+ years in the shadows. This past year has been the most toxic, disgusting and disheartening time for us Knick fans. With that said I STILL love my team. I truly believe the times are changing for us, in the positive direction. We missed out on free agency but our team looking like a problem, a good one. Loyal Orange & Blue since 82'
DSJr will get his chance but with that being said he ain't good enough for me to not trade him for someone like DLo, who is only 2 years older, compliments RJ and fits the modern game better and put up 21/4/7 in his 4th year. You could play DLo and RJ together and easily make-up/overcome any playmaking and scoring you get from DSJr.

DSJr and Frank can both clear out if I don't see anything worthwhile regardless of age.
You're not getting anywhere in this league without an all star caliber player at point guard.

DSJ already played 120 games in his career. We have an idea of who he is. This year is huge for him in terms of taking that next step, if he ever does. That 3rd year is the cut off usually for young players who take the leap.
This is hilarious that you think this is a valid comparison.

It’s the same concept. Y’all sooooooo quick to trade a player before he’s even played a full season for us. Giannis, PG, McCollum, and Kawhi didn’t do **** for a whole two seasons and then look how they turned out. Same Knicks mentality where y’all want instant results instead of having patience. Queue the “we’ve been patient” whines. ****, even DLo didn’t amaze anyone til just this past season. Who’s to say that DSJR can’t be better than DLo given the same amount of time?

I did this with a few cats in comparison to DSJ and he was better than them on year 2.


They say dude cant be a problem and cant pass but yet he is doing so. Whether he be great or not is a different story. Facts are his numbers indicate otherwise.
It’s the same concept. Y’all sooooooo quick to trade a player before he’s even played a full season for us. Giannis, PG, McCollum, and Kawhi didn’t do **** for a whole two seasons and then look how they turned out. Same Knicks mentality where y’all want instant results instead of having patience. Queue the “we’ve been patient” whines. ****, even DLo didn’t amaze anyone til just this past season. Who’s to say that DSJR can’t be better than DLo given the same amount of time?
No it’s not because there’s such a thing as a ceiling and what a player has shown us so far. I don’t mind being patient with PG prospects but I don’t think DSJ has shown any attributes that show he has a high ceiling worth investing in.
D'Angelo showed a decent 3 ball and ability to actually make the right pass from Day 1. He took some time to put up his numbers but his game is tailor made for today's NBA.

Giannis was a project seen with high upside. He put up 16/8/4 by his 3rd year.

PG-13 made the all-star game by his 3rd year, 17/8/4.

CJ took a while to show something, he had vets in front of him. Once the minutes were given he was at 20/3/3 in his 3rd year.

All these guys also had skillsets that fit in well in an overall team concept. DLo can shoot it well enough and find his teammates. PG-13 was a swiss army knife player and a strong defender. Giannis was a swiss army knife and shown to play multiple positions before settling in at the 4 the past two years. CJ is a certified scorer and a deadeye shooter. DSJr has shown to be a great athlete and can get to the rim but what has he shown that fits well into an overall concept? Year 3 is the key as said before but I don't think he's the guy to cash in on.
Giannis, PG, McCollum, and Kawhi didn’t do **** for a whole two seasons and then look how they turned out.

Where's this energy for Frank?

DLo didnt have a broken jumpshot and a terrible FT %. If he did, he'd be making 100 mill less right now.
you all are missing the bottom line. all of those players took at least until their 3rd season to show something. DSJR is about to START his 3rd season. who's to say his jumper isn't going to be better? who's to say his "lack of play making" won't improve? y'all keep saying it took 3 seasons. aight so keep that same energy with DSJR.

CJ averaged like 6 points in his 2nd season
PG averaged 12
DLo has/had a maturity problem

DSJR averaged 15 and 5 in his rookie season, can get to the rim, and is athletic as hell. but you wanna write that off already? not understanding the logic here.
A young player's third year is so important.

Sure he could pan out later but the odds are stacked against him.
Overly athletic point guards that dont play defense and cant shoot is not the wave. Sorry.

DSJ is gonna be under a damn microscope this season. If Payton starts over him that should tell us enough.
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