Official 2019 OFFSEASON New York Yankees Thread: COLE OR STRAUS

Just realized David Wells is calling the game. When the hell did he start calling games?
I’ve never heard him. I hear Cone, Singleton and Paul all the time.

That was a deflating double play, probably game over now

Hicks smashed that one
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Can we stop doing this every year?

Come August, September and October, he’ll be our best pitcher.

It happens every year.

I’m not saying cut him or trade him, I’m saying he’s not reliable and we need Keuchel. He might be fine for the playoffs but we still need help.
Part of me wants to keep Frazier because he’s a really good bat. Can never have too many.

Throw him at DH. Stanton in LF / Hicks in CF / Judge in RF. Gardner gets 3 games a week as a roaming OF.

But it really all depends who is out there come trade deadline.
We better not lose again to Toronto, can't lose to this bum *** team.

Gleybar sucks at the tag, he's always missing the tag
DJ is probably going to rotate all over the diamond plus DH (minus SS) once Didi returns.
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