Official 2019 OFFSEASON New York Yankees Thread: COLE OR STRAUS

This rotation is so garbage

Tanaka has actually been pretty solid this year. 8 of 13 starts he’s gotten into the 6th with 3 runs or less. Team just doesn’t score for him. He does what he does. He’ll give up HRs and have a really bad start here and there. It’s mainly a product of his pitch selection.

CC has been who we expected. He’s been solid as well.

German surprised but partially because he gets 6 runs of run support per start.

There just really wasn’t any depth. And they didn’t prioritize it.
Probably would've upped our offer for Keuchel if we knew German was pitching hurt
Bryan Hoch (@BryanHoch) Tweeted:
Luke Voit on leading AL 1B for the All-Star Game: "It helps being in New York, but it shows I'm turning into a fan favorite. That's pretty awesome. These fans love me; I get those 'Luuuke' chants all the time. I appreciate it. It's a dream to be on the All-Star team."

Gary this year is almost identical to 2016 when he came in like a beast. That’s how good he has been.
Bryan Hoch (@BryanHoch) Tweeted:
Dellin Betances has a low-grade lat strain and will be “shut down for a couple of weeks,” Aaron Boone said. “He’s still going to play a big role for us this year, just a little later on.”

Please don’t rush Judge back, take your time with him. We need him for the end of the season.

If they ever plan on making a Babe Ruth movie for real, Voit would be perfect for the role.

Impressive win, hopefully we can win the second game too. Gary is on fire.
Sanchez and Judge need to stay healthy; only Judge played a full season; Sanchez has yet to play 130-140 games (Jorge played in 140g
Consistently in his prime)
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