Official 2019 OFFSEASON New York Yankees Thread: COLE OR STRAUS

What the **** was that? Offense looked great but our whole pitching staff tonight looked awful. SP and bullpen, we can’t have all of our best guys out there getting lit up.

Didi and Hicks, wow

How the hell did Gary hit the side of the bag twice, I saw him land funny the first time and then did it again his next AB and now he’s done for a while.
went to bed at the 8th when didi hit the go ahead hit... thought the game was over and went to sleep... didnt know more runs happen after that... just glad we won though
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Can’t lie... I turned it off when we were down 5-9.

Saw the highlights on IG and was shocked we came back and won!
The path of Aroldis Chapman is an Ottavino slider level of sorcery. I just did a tweet thread of it.

If I were a GM and Cashman wanted to trade. I’d always say no because I know 9 times out of 10 I’ll get screwed.
Things I’ve been wrong about this year:
DJ LeMahieu
Brett Gardner
Mikey T

What I’ve never been wrong about:
Didi being the Greatest Yankee SS
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