Remember when Kawhi pulled off the heist of the century and "played" the Lakers and the Raptors by leading them on just so he could lose in the 2nd round and make a loser franchise look worse because "on paper" they "look" like a "championship" team and somehow 2 6th mans of the year and a self proclaimed DPOY Patrick Beverly were the missing keys?
But seriously as a Laker fan, I'm talkin directly to Clippers fans.
First you guys need to leave LA, it's just too much for you guys.
Write Ballmer, make a petition. DON'T TAKE THE FORUM that's still our building too
The problem isn't that you guys suck, you always have, its just that the spotlight is too big for you and it literally doesn't matter who you bring in. It's always gonna be like this. If you leave LA though, you can build a better fanbase and be a feel good team for the fans like the Kings, Dubs, raptors.
Be a team that EVERYONE knows won't win, they'll root for you, but still give a family an entertaining night out.
49 seasons????? Crazy I kept thinking they were talking about FINALS appearance
All those squads you guys had and you haven't even sniffed WCF??? not won WCF, PLAYED???
what the hell made clippers fans think that this team was going anywhere????
The crazy thing is what else is this franchise gonna do, like bruh who else can you add.
Can Kawhi opt out after this?
Dude pretty much ruined this franchise and can just bounce like nothin.
Can't believe Ballmer listened to a player that he was trying to sign, dude wasn't even on his team yet.
Dude tried to be like Bron makin the request for certain players only Bron signed w/ a team already and hinted and complained throughout the season and then regardless carried those teams on his back to get to 8 straight finals. Kawhi tried to cheat instead of playing out the season and waiting till the trade deadline and then assessing what the team actually needed.
Kawhi can ball, but he aint breakin down games and players like that.
Not even close to Bron's level.