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Mike tirico isn’t black
Lebatard and his crew had me crying when they were talking about this ****

for the uninformed

Lebatard and his crew had me crying when they were talking about this ****

for the uninformed

Italian families in NYC are extremely racist. So his mom def got piped down by a Black dude and got her pregnant and his mom was like Uhhhh the dad disappeared. Heres a picture of this white guy thats your real dad.
these dudes letting up on this strike after a day, really has the movement looking frail.
Even the faults of black male fatherhood is a result of white supremacy, dating back to slavery when black males were purposefully separated from their families. Trauma is generational. If your father's father didn't know how to be one, how was your father ever going to learn?

Even after emancipation, black men were heavily discriminated against monetarily forcing them to either:
A. Work all day to support their family, leading them to be in the house less, a rarely seen specter that has no energy for children.
B. Leave to find better prospects elsewhere, often alone since moving is expensive and sometimes not a sure thing. No one wants to uproot their family with nowhere to go.
C. Resort to crime to make more money, something the prison industrial complex relies on. Ask yourself why black people are 13% of the population in America yet 40% of the population of american prisons. THEY don't actually want black men in homes raising black futures. They want us in prisons performing legalized slave labor.

And then there's the phenomenon of someone being told from the moment they can understand language that it's their destiny to be a bad father. That all black men are bad fathers. Stop telling children that. Stop dooming them to self-fulfilling prophecies.

They stack the deck against us and then blame us for having a weak hand. They steal our futures from us and then tell us we never had one in the first place. They traumatize us and then call our natural reactions, irrational disruptions to their perfect society. In their eyes WE'RE holding THEM back from Utopia. ****ing hilarious.

It's hilarious that this man claims that he's not black




Told y'all bro.

Oh no. Freeze just a Bron hater. Low tier. Blah blah blah. Y'all man's seeing them dollar signs
Milwaukee didn't think it thru and just wanted to sit the 1 game out and thought it would all be said and done
aint tell no one ****

forced everyones hand so Bron AND KAWHI was like bet we dipping then and the rest of the lakers and clippers follow suit pretty much putting the pressure on Bucks
thats what i'm getting out of it

Plus the NBPA really laying out the CBA **** to the players

but end of the day none of us really know **** and we speculating cuz all the media reporters are saying different things by the hour lol
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