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sohi 23 sohi 23 does this look like he was played off the floor?
Warriors and Mavs would’ve smacked this Jazz team too. Biggest frauds in the nba. It’s the same story every year.

Gobert better not win another award ever again. I don’t care if they are regular season awards and the playoffs aren’t supposed to impact them. It’s the same story every year.

There is no way Anthony Davis or Draymond Green get picked on like that in any playoff game ever.

I forgot which one of these NBA podcasts mentioned it but they brought up a very good point about DPOY voters being obsessed with rim protection and blocks and not difficult to quantify skills like switch ability, versatility, etc.

This is why I always thought Anthony Davis was a better and more valuable defensive player than Giannis and Gobert. Not only is AD a dominant paint defender He can actually switch on to guards and wings.

You can't be the best defensive player in the league and be rendered a defensive liability in the biggest moments of the season. Of course Snyder was to stubborn to bench his beloved DPOY even as he was getting roasted.
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Clippers turned Gobert into Capela from 3 years ago, but instead of getting sautéed by Draymond and Looney, Gobert was thrown on the grill by…everyone with a pulse.
Quinn Snyder is on Drugs.
Not sure which but that post game presser, dude was high key tweaking.
That’s Drugs right there.
Mini hot take but... I would honestly be totally ok with a drop coverage big never winning DPoY ever again. I get that it won't happen because it's good regular season defense but when we get to the playoffs the same thing happens every year. The further you advance, the higher the likelihood that you end up facing one if not two elite bucket getters and your drop big ends up getting either played off the floor or left out there to be abused. See:

Rudy Gobert vs the Rockets
Rudy Gobert vs the Rockets
Rudy Gobert vs the Clippers
Brook Lopez vs the Nets
Brook Lopez vs the Heat
Rudy Gobert vs the Warriors (nothing could really have been done here but still)
Joel Embiid to an extent

Rudy Gobert likely won't win another DPoY but he just posted the "Best defensive season of all time" and here we are again watching him do nothing.

Even the year Giannis won the award I had it going to Brook Lopez truly. When you base your defense around drop coverage the drop big is the most important player on the defense. I would take an "inferior" switch big over the best drop big any day. Tired of this. You can't be the best defender truly if you're in the paint 99% of the time.

Not my DPoY word to my man addict4sneakers addict4sneakers
I mean....
Julius Randle gets his MIP trophy: Knicks lose series 4-1

Nikola Jokic gets his MVP trophy: Nuggets forget how to play basketball and lose 4-0

Rudy Goober gets his DPOY trophy: Jazz lose 4 straight and he has 2 blocks combined in the final 4 games.
DIJONDRE JEAURDAN let Mann set not a career high….a goddamn life high lmfaoooo.

been telling y’all for years.
Still can't believe Quinn left Rudy out there to rot, didn't play small ball, and didn't give Clarkson a chance to shine especially after being red hot in the 2nd. Dude got that Ferragamo belt and pants too tight.
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