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"Too soon" for a videogame cover sounds silly, it's not a career award :lol:

Kind of like debating whether a particular player who gets a signature shoe “deserves” it. If the company making the shoe wants to do it and thinks they can make money off it, the player deserves it. :lol:

(Except PG - his sig shoe should definitely be discontinued).

The Barclay's center hardwood's about to look like this tomorrow at this rate


Blake icing his knees right now hoping he can have the game of his career
:lol: @ SKittle in Ocean

I’m all for former players being more involved in sports media but I see too many dudes going at “nerds” but somehow telling fans that opinions of dudes like this matter or should matter more :lol:. CP3 the MVP of the regular season based on a playoff series where Joker was also down his #2 guy. I get that we’re in the hot take content era but make it make sense.
This is the first time kd hasn’t had the cards stacked in his favor in like 5 years. Don’t expect him to win the series but I’m excited to see him on game 5.

I want to see top 15 Basketball players of all time having to go to another level in the playoffs.
This all sounds like a great idea, but wasn't the creation of PER supposed to address this issue?
PER takes into account statistics such as field goals, steals, blocks, rebounds, etc and assigns a value to them. It is STRICTLY based on statistics.

My "GOAT formula" is completely different cause I dont take into account the stats used in PER. Instead I look at MVPs, All NBA teams, games played, all-defense teams and assign values to these criteria. I use these measurements instead of PER because MVPs and All-NBA team selections, for example, are based on accolades that are usually decided upon by a general consensus and therefore is more indicative of a player's overall body of work during a season or period of time.
You know that won't work right? Faceless, number crunches will always produce some results that don't exactly predict what most of us hope for.

Take career PER for instance.

I am sure you see the holes in ANY man-made formula.

PER would not be an indicator of determining who is the GOAT.

Determining who is THE GOAT should be based on MVPs, FMVPs, all- nba and all-defense selections, and not based on stats.

PER takes into account statistics such as field goals, steals, blocks, rebounds, etc and assigns a value to them. It is STRICTLY based on statistics.

My "GOAT formula" is completely different cause I dont take into account the stats used in PER. Instead I look at MVPs, Finals MVPs, All NBA teams, games played, all-defense teams and assign values to these criteria. I use these measurements instead of PER because MVPs and All-NBA team selections, for example, are based on accolades that are usually decided upon by a general consensus and therefore is more indicative of a player's overall body of work during a season or period of time.

After all, determining who is the GOAT should be based more on the overall body of work and accolades as opposed to statistics like PER, box plus/minus, usage rate, etc.

That's my take on it
Kind of like debating whether a particular player who gets a signature shoe “deserves” it. If the company making the shoe wants to do it and thinks they can make money off it, the player deserves it. :lol:

(Except PG - his sig shoe should definitely be discontinued).
Think about how big the discussion around Bron's Nike contract was before social media
Nowadays something like that would be a week long discussion on ESPN
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