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Haener has the clutch gene
It’s no gene I’m just saying he’s clutch
Also since it is you two active in this thread now and I am rarely on NT these days outside of football season. Go Lions! Feel actually good about the future compared to the dark years of the past.
Don't trust Goff at all, you'll have to run to be successful, on D the Lions first- and second-level should be better, secondary is still bad.
Don't trust Goff at all, you'll have to run to be successful, defense first- and second-level should be better, secondary is still bad.
I want a 5-12 season for another high pick and get Young or Stroud. Agreed on Goff. But few the staff assembled is the right group to stick with. Maybe the Stafford will suck *** to give the Lions a 2nd high round 1st. I can dream lol
I like Duce and Aaron Glenn a lot and that guy that was talking to Rodriguez in the defensive meeting.
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