funny how perception and hype can do during these playoffs. months ago and last year, the AE1 sat like crazy and were even discounted for months. nowadays, you can't even find one in the store. I'd go downtown to the Adidas exclusive store and outlet just to see if they have the AE1s. FTL, Champs and other shoe store sellers don't have them. I'll check online.

These things been hot long before the playoffs started tho. They were already the best current b ball shoe out, well before.

Discounted for months?? Feel like this a parallel universe comment lol Maybe they were sitting locally where you’re at but they were selling out online off rip. The one time I tried to buy them locally they were sold out of my size a day after release
funny how perception and hype can do during these playoffs. months ago and last year, the AE1 sat like crazy and were even discounted for months. nowadays, you can't even find one in the store. I'd go downtown to the Adidas exclusive store and outlet just to see if they have the AE1s. FTL, Champs and other shoe store sellers don't have them. I'll check online.

They were never discounted. :lol:

They sat for a bit sure, but you can say that about any shoe that isnt an instant sellout. They did sell out quick though, if you waited too too long your size was gone.
funny how perception and hype can do during these playoffs. months ago and last year, the AE1 sat like crazy and were even discounted for months. nowadays, you can't even find one in the store. I'd go downtown to the Adidas exclusive store and outlet just to see if they have the AE1s. FTL, Champs and other shoe store sellers don't have them. I'll check online.
I am glad you guys all caught that too LOL. Like what in the hell is bro talking about?? These have NEVER been discounted even once. And sitting?? Lol, adidas couldnt keep even one CW in stock while FTL and Champs only had small sizes available and now those are all gone now too. These have been HOT since day one, not just because Ant is in the playoffs now.
it’s been my experience that with loves was the experiment shoe that sat longer than the rest until word got out. The timberwolves color took a couple days to sell out but the restock was gone instantly. Adc was day 1 sellouts for the fsr day 1 on all colors, while 11 and up were instant sellouts on footlocker. But everything 10.5 and under has typically been available for a about a week roughly.
Well Duh! Same goes for you guys, just because you don't have it in your location since DAY 1, doesn't apply everywhere. It is silly that some people are over hyping the shoe and it's laughable. I could have bought them earlier this year checking them once or twice a month and even had the ASG pair and launch colorway. Last time I saw them was April. But since some of you act like Horatio or smart, you guys definitely have a future like that guy from Seinfeld. 😆
Well Duh! Same goes for you guys, just because you don't have it in your location since DAY 1, doesn't apply everywhere. It is silly that some people are over hyping the shoe and it's laughable. I could have bought them earlier this year checking them once or twice a month and even had the ASG pair and launch colorway. Last time I saw them was April. But since some of you act like Horatio or smart, you guys definitely have a future like that guy from Seinfeld. 😆

Overhyping the shoe? More like right on the mark. Even you finally hopped on the bandwagon 2 days ago

Skipped them sitting on shelves, skipped them when they were 50% off for 6 months in your local Nebraska FTL

Finally came around tho after they advanced to the WCF.. 😵

I got your size in whatever color you need for da lowski tho($800) - hit the dm
Overhyping the shoe? More like right on the mark. Even you finally hopped on the bandwagon 2 days ago

Skipped them sitting on shelves, skipped them when they were 50% off for 6 months in your local Nebraska FTL

Finally came around tho after they advanced to the WCF.. 😵

I got your size in whatever color you need for da lowski tho($800) - hit the dm
Your sarcasm failed miserably. 😆
I am glad you guys all caught that too LOL. Like what in the hell is bro talking about?? These have NEVER been discounted even once. And sitting?? Lol, adidas couldnt keep even one CW in stock while FTL and Champs only had small sizes available and now those are all gone now too. These have been HOT since day one, not just because Ant is in the playoffs now.

Nah, he kinda right with the sat part...jut not entirely. Adidas in Soho had the black/white, black/white, all blue colors (forgot when, this was in the winter or spring, whenever those colors were out) in stock for a bit but again, one of those things if you say ill get em next weekend chances are your size sold out and you would have to go hunting.
Well Duh! Same goes for you guys, just because you don't have it in your location since DAY 1, doesn't apply everywhere. It is silly that some people are over hyping the shoe and it's laughable. I could have bought them earlier this year checking them once or twice a month and even had the ASG pair and launch colorway. Last time I saw them was April. But since some of you act like Horatio or smart, you guys definitely have a future like that guy from Seinfeld. 😆

Cap man, launch colorwasy as not available back earlier this year let alone April. Trust me, I tried hard looking for em at retail. Where do you live?

Also cmon son, first its the shoe is hyped now that they are in the WCF, now its shoe is over hyped in general? Bro moving the goal post here. :lol: Shoe been highly regarded since they first had its debut and its in the debate of which athlete had the best 1st sig. This is not my opinion either, this is what it is. :lol:

You want a shoe to debate? Go to the Book thread.
Nah, he kinda right with the sat part...jut not entirely. Adidas in Soho had the black/white, black/white, all blue colors (forgot when, this was in the winter or spring, whenever those colors were out) in stock for a bit but again, one of those things if you say ill get em next weekend chances are your size sold out and you would have to go hunting.
So kind of not sitting then? :lol:
Cap man, launch colorwasy as not available back earlier this year let alone April. Trust me, I tried hard looking for em at retail. Where do you live?

Also cmon son, first its the shoe is hyped now that they are in the WCF, now its shoe is over hyped in general? Bro moving the goal post here. :lol: Shoe been highly regarded since they first had its debut and its in the debate of which athlete had the best 1st sig. This is not my opinion either, this is what it is. :lol:

You want a shoe to debate? Go to the Book thread.
You’ve had to have seen his takes in the NBA thread right? We know who we’re dealing with :lol:
So kind of not sitting then? :lol:
Lol. 🤣

Its actually kind of nice to have this debate, hasn't been a shoe like this that has moved the needle this much and causing guys to act out. Everybody wants to be on the right side, saying they were on this train since day one. We can all see your posts history, don't be faking it!
Cap man, launch colorwasy as not available back earlier this year let alone April. Trust me, I tried hard looking for em at retail. Where do you live?

Also cmon son, first its the shoe is hyped now that they are in the WCF, now its shoe is over hyped in general? Bro moving the goal post here. :lol: Shoe been highly regarded since they first had its debut and its in the debate of which athlete had the best 1st sig. This is not my opinion either, this is what it is. :lol:

You want a shoe to debate? Go to the Book thread.
Mind you I didn't start the debate. Some sensitive people got their feelings hurt and cried over it because they think they are right. Even went as far as searching my post history and got personal. I don't have anything to gain and post what I actually see in the stores that I go to. I'm not reacting like them since I'm not lying. I woul be lying if I said that I cannot get them since DAY 1 like someone is claiming. Anyway, just glad to see how many Adidas stans there are and exposed themselves in response to a fact. So glad to make them cry. 😂
Mind you I didn't start the debate. Some sensitive people got their feelings hurt and cried over it because they think they are right. Even went as far as searching my post history and got personal. I don't have anything to gain and post what I actually see in the stores that I go to. I'm not reacting like them since I'm not lying. I woul be lying if I said that I cannot get them since DAY 1 like someone is claiming. Anyway, just glad to see how many Adidas stans there are and exposed themselves in response to a fact. So glad to make them cry. 😂

Why are you like this. :lol:

If you dont like a shoe then why you in here?
funny how perception and hype can do during these playoffs. months ago and last year, the AE1 sat like crazy and were even discounted for months. nowadays, you can't even find one in the store. I'd go downtown to the Adidas exclusive store and outlet just to see if they have the AE1s. FTL, Champs and other shoe store sellers don't have them. I'll check online.
There was never a discount on the AE1. They sold out from the first drop of the first colorway. There may have been some various sizes still sitting behind but as a whole every color on every drop has been gone week 1.
Why are you like this. :lol:

If you dont like a shoe then why you in here?
Wuht? Where did I say I didn't like the shoe? If that was the impression I got in response to my post then people did in fact overreact. Just to make it clear for the diehard stans out there, I like the shoe and was available in my local before the playoffs, just stating a fact. Now thinking about it, I did hurt someone's feelings when a certain character mentioned they were sold out since DAY 1. That's where the crying game started.
There was never a discount on the AE1. They sold out from the first drop of the first colorway. There may have been some various sizes still sitting behind but as a whole every color on every drop has been gone week 1.
Well I'm not from your local Duke. I'm just refuting that claim of being sold out in Day 1 being universal which is not.
There is no chance these are sitting anywhere. I have asked multiple foot locker managers and friends of mine from adidas to product search and pairs they have left and all say every color is gone except for a few scattered small sizes. Been that way for months, not days or weeks.

Typical internet - say something off mark, stand behind it, then get called out for it and accuse the opposition of “getting in their feels” and being stans.
There is no chance these are sitting anywhere. I have asked multiple foot locker managers and friends of mine from adidas to product search and pairs they have left and all say every color is gone except for a few scattered small sizes. Been that way for months, not days or weeks.

Typical internet - say something off mark, stand behind it, then get called out for it and accuse the opposition of “getting in their feels” and being stans.

Got excited when I saw a couple of the New Wave pairs on the shelf in a Champs yesterday, but the biggest they had was a 9
Got excited when I saw a couple of the New Wave pairs on the shelf in a Champs yesterday, but the biggest they had was a 9
That’s all I’ve seen since the new wave drop. Up to size 8 or 9 and they check to order a size 10 for me and they are completely gone.
Wuht? Where did I say I didn't like the shoe? If that was the impression I got in response to my post then people did in fact overreact. Just to make it clear for the diehard stans out there, I like the shoe and was available in my local before the playoffs, just stating a fact. Now thinking about it, I did hurt someone's feelings when a certain character mentioned they were sold out since DAY 1. That's where the crying game started.

Man its hella corny caring that youre working people up. Hurt feelings this what? No one cares man. :lol: This topic been pretty chill, dont be that guy.
Lol sounds like everyone have their own interpretation of not sitting / sitting …..this instant sell out hype got y’all effed up. Don’t think these sat but if u really wanted a pair despite of color you were def able to get them until now. Hard to believe they “sat” long enough to go on sale tho wherever you at.
Lol sounds like everyone have their own interpretation of not sitting / sitting …..this instant sell out hype got y’all effed up. Don’t think these sat but if u really wanted a pair despite of color you were def able to get them until now. Hard to believe they “sat” long enough to go on sale tho wherever you at.
If I walk into a store looking for a 10 or 10.5 within a day or two of release and there are none to be found that’s not sitting. If I ask the manager at multiple stores to look online and order and they are sold out that’s not sitting. If I go online and the only place I can get my size is Stockx/resell two days after release that’s not sitting.
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