those golds are crazy, for sure gonna go for em.

heard they're a nikelab drop though 
  but seeing as how the purples are still on NDC with almost a FSR i think we'll be good

here's a bigger picture
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Omg the Golds. These should be an easy cop even if it's a NikeLab release. Purples sat
Yes to golds. I passed on the chocolates and the Carolinas and don't really care, but I think I'd be mad at myself for passing on these.
Has anyone seen the Purple High's at an Outlet yet? I thought someone had mentioned that but that was pages ago.
Just noticed those golds up there. I don't see myself wearing a gold shoe so I'll be passing. There's a few other OG I need to pick up. Heck, I probably need to wear the four pair that m I have soon before trying to buy another pair.
^^^^Ty, I never thought the day would come where you said you wouldn't wear a certain colorway.
Heard Purple NikeLab HIs are at a factory store in Atlanta. $110. May want to make some calls.
Wait it out....

Should hit NDC clearance shortly (You can get them 15% off today by calling and asking for a discount code since they were listed and then taken down)

then MULTIPLE outlet bound....

Once they hit both then its just a matter of watching the price bottom out.

I would say between $60 to $80 is the sweet spot.
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