Official Air Jordan 11 Retro "Bred" - The aftermath.... No Buying/Selling/Trading

Got my invite about 30 minutes ago ( in spam ). Link worked for me. Good luck y'all. What a Lupe Fiasco FNL put everyone thru.
Wearing my 2001 in this rainy SF day
Anyone know the deal about any cincinnati spots and what procedures their doing been calling all day but phone lines were busy.
Finally entered the draft, thank goodness!

Is it bad that I am excited just having been able to JUST enter the draft? :lol: I probably won't win, my luck has always been terrible.
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LOL got that email and the link worked.  Still just amazed at this company's stupidity.  I have no thoughts of even having a chance at winning this damn thing, but at least it is out of the way. 
Hopefully they're sending the email in "waves" again, because I haven't even received it yet (after waiting and talking with them earlier today).
Finally entered the draft, thank goodness!
Is it bad that I am excited just having been able to JUST enter the draft? :lol: I probably won't win, my luck has always been terrible.

Hahahaha... I know what you mean! Felt the same way when I got the email and the link worked... I have no chance either but I'm just glad it's 1 less thing to worry about.

Good luck to everyone who entered...!
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