Official Air Jordan 11 Retro "Bred" - The aftermath.... No Buying/Selling/Trading

Got my dm in at the 25 sec mark. If I miss on here no worries. I did my hw, so I'm confident in gettin at least 1 pair. Glad I can just work and not have to be so preoccupied with the twitter. GL to everyone on getting your pair and be safe out there.
Fourth time? Learn to count, cause this is the THIRD time they've retro'd. (2001, CDP, 2012). Let us know where you can find the OG, 01 or CDP for a reasonable price. Nowhere near retail for a solid pair on any of those 3 releases. Just look at the B/S forum. 300+ for CDP? LOL. Chumps like you are probably bending people over on your older pairs too. What a joke.

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