Official Air Jordan 11 Retro "Bred" - The aftermath.... No Buying/Selling/Trading

Dang, twitter alert never came for NTSF. My one and only time I am near a NT for a release and it didn't come through. Saw it after 9 minutes. No way am I getting a pair.
Leave it to NT's supposed sneakerheads to not even understand the relevance. Title'd, Sobbing'd, Floor'd. Bunch of dopes.
oh snap we got some noobs in here....."fathersday" = irrelevant?? hahaha

props to Niketown/store...that's some deep stuff embedded in a simple hashtag
Imagine the hashtag was case sensitive and they trolled everyone with #AiRjOrDaN11BrEdZz...... 
Case sensitive doesnt matter last time I asked Niketown. Did someone get a different answer? Regardless I put my right lol
Sent my NTSF DM at 3:29:11. Faster than i sent my DM for stealth foams, which i got through for. id actually be surprised if i didn't get through
:lol: looks like I wont get a confirm from NT Chicago for neither sizes that I requested

Oh well. I have two on hold at my brothers store and am helping someone else get a size from NDC.
Dm back from Chicago but it didn't say what size it was reserved.
This... I'm Geeked about receiving the DM back, but this is the first time it doesn't say my size in the return DM... Is this true for all of those that received DM's from NT Chicago?

Also, Thanks to all the helpful NTer's who helped others attack this RSVP system... Good luck and be safe out there...
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