Official Air Jordan XI Concord Release thread 12/23/11 NO BUYING/SELLING/TRADING!

FNL just confirmed my order is placed on hold. Anyone else been told that? I hope I'm still in the game.....
Some of ya need to bite the bullet and cop over retail that's gonna be the only way sooner or later to survive in this game
Do you guys think I'll be good with my order confirmation from Crooked Tongues? Somehow I was able to order two US size 11s, but in separate orders. Took a lot of refreshing and about 3 hours of patience.
Once I called them, then my account shows in progress and I got the email... !*%. 
Damn 1% making the 99% wig out as usual... 
The lack of proper sleep, a good meal and all the drama about this release got a brutha stressed lol Looks like restocks are mythical like naturally big breasted asian women. Throw in the bittersweetness of owning the wrong size and pairs on SDS are starting to look nice lol I'mma just go back to copping KAWS bearbricks.
i ordered around 10 PST last night and got my order conf asap but not my shipping
anybody off FNL get their shipping conf yet? know this is serious business when flight club sold out alll their pairs and each was like 375 if i remember
I orderd from hanon and welgosh got a shiping conformation from welgosh but no tracking, and didnt get a shipping or tracking from hanon
my ndc order hasn't shipped, but hasn't been cancelled...yet. Hope it isn't, but considering I got my order through a couple minutes before nike tweeted they were sold out, I'm not all that confident.
Originally Posted by sammietheboss

I orderd from hanon and welgosh got a shiping conformation from welgosh but no tracking, and didnt get a shipping or tracking from hanon

What date did you place your order from Hanon?
talked to nike rep and found out my shoes shipped!
Some of ya r cheap I rather spend $50-100 get them early then having to put my life in danger for some sneakers !!
2 size 11, paid w visa. Like I said before, in before the crash and received email confirmation. Rep said that when they went to pick the order today the inventory wasn't there. I basically broke it down to her..

"you are Nike, you are the source of the shoes. How can you confirm an order and then cancel for lack of inventory?" you aren't champs, you're not finishline, you're Nike. Such a disappointment.
IDK how CT still had these up earlier today but I was 
 and quickly added one shoe to my cart and patiently checked out.
So far so good, got my email confirmation, now the dreaded period if these get shipped or cancelled.

For those who lucked out on their page earlier today... did you guys receive any kind of cancellation yet or what?????
I got my "order shipped" email from NDC luckily. I really don't know how it went through with all the chaos. I used a debit card, free ground shipping, live in AZ, two pairs of 11.5. For everybody that was asking for details, there's mine.
Originally Posted by manamazing55

Originally Posted by mints

manamazing55 wrote:
To a lesser degree, but remember when Tickle Me Elmo came out? Mothers arguing, pushing other Mothers to get their kid that years hottest Xmas toy. That manufacturer easily couldve just produced thousands more, but they dont want that. They want the buzz, they want the talk......essentially, they want the THIRST for their products.
They did end up producing enough to go around, it just took months to ramp production up to fill the demand. Stores didn't think it was going to be as big a seller as it ended up being and when they put in requests for a lot more stock in Q3, the manufacturers couldn't meet the demand in time to get the product in for Christmas. I was working one of my first jobs back then at a Toys 'R Us, missed the madness for christmas, but was working there when they finally started filling the rain check orders, by May of 97 they'd ended up pushing out over 1M units if I recall correctly
Anyone remember when buying/flipping toys was the big thing? The Orange Card Star Wars figures in the mid-late 90s made some people a LOT of money. 

edit: had my timeline wrong, it's been years since I was doing that sort of thing.
thanks for the info, thats a good perspective. I didnt know the specifics, I just remmeber how hot that toy was.

In the same breath, JB/Nike knew this release was going to be big, they COULD have produced more, they just chose not to for the reasons I earlier stated.

The figurine example is a good one, I remember grown men buying full shipments at Wal Mart of Xmen figures back in the 90s. I personally think reselling in general is sickening, but thats the world we live in. But the biggest difference between buying up action figures to resell, vs. buying up shoes, is that the only "hurt" that comes from the toys is that some people that want them dont get them, in this shoe game situation people are PHYSICALLY getting hurt. Thats a huge issue

Heck, even if they did mass produce these x2 it will still sell out....but less people would be thirsting for it.  I remember when shoes were truly limited and we were given numbers now its just a "mystery"...
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