Official Air Jordan XI Concord Release thread 12/23/11 NO BUYING/SELLING/TRADING!

Originally Posted by memphissfinest

Originally Posted by hostos

Originally Posted by memphissfinest

Buyer's beware...

I'm seeing a LOT of early release pairs on eBay and the sneaker forums being sold. Do your homework and ask for tagged pics of the receipt. Dudes looking to dump early release pairs.

My boy showed me his SDS pair and I burst out laughing compared to my finishline pair. So many slight differences and he paid double. If I didn't buy my pair in store I would of passed. Lot of dudes about to get over.

who are you and wheres memphis???

no caps......

Lol, I'm posting from my iPhone while here on vacation. CAPS will return soon.
nah i aint complaining...the caps can be left behind
Originally Posted by DRO3000

Originally Posted by Vader

Gotta love Canada Pre-Orders, 3 for 3 thus far!

Shout out to the Vancouver, Calgary, Edmonton, Winnipeg, Toronto, London, Montreal and Ottawa heads who did their homework and pre ordered.......and a big shout out to Foot Locker Canada!!!  They should continue doing pre orders for 2012 in order to avoid the madness that took place in places like Houston and Seattle.  There are rumours that pre orders will be no more here for 2012 tho.....jus sayin....sorry

Word ? Not good...
Originally Posted by The Filipino Dream

Originally Posted by itzbooranss

I got overdrawn on my bank account by $1000+ because of stupid *%% Finishline.

I tried to order the kicks about 7 times but every time there was an error and I had to go back and do it again. I checked my account activity and it said I was debited and then IMMEDIATELY credited back the money.

But when I woke up today, all I saw was that I was debited all those 7 times and the credit back was GONE.


What the hell can I do to fix this?!
nothing to worry, your money is still credited back. the bank just has to process everything and you'll see your money back the next business day or two.
The next business day is goin to be the 27th btw
for all those who had finish line issues, i called and after being on hold for almost a hour i was told if you clicked submit of the order form then your account will be charged. however that doesnt garuntee you an item if its a high volume item. so i called and they asked for my email and checked to see if there was an order under my email and saw that it wasnt one so the order was cancelled and my money was refunded
Originally Posted by zdawgz

Anyone get shipping confirmation or updates from Opium?

I got a shipping notice from, i don't know if you are talking about
Originally Posted by hostos

hows the patent cut on the shoes people who have received them?

anyone get any lebron cuts?

I dont get why he doesnt just shave his head???
Craziest release ever how did you dudes get them online

24hr camp out wasn't worth it I feel like after the shots/fights/riots etc...It was out of control.
Originally Posted by Janitor

AW YEAH! Got my pairs and I'm flyin' high! I love the pre-order system Canadian FLs had in place, a damn shame they'll be doing away with it in 2012. Guess I'm closer to retirement than expected, no intention of ever camping. I always thought the retail of $209.99 Cdn (+ 13% tax) was a total rip, especially when we're almost at par with the USD...but not this time.

Too. Easy. Walked in at 8:25am yesterday, picked up my nine pairs, then headed off to work. Two for me, gifts for my g/f and peeps, NONE are for re-sale (hence the weird range of sizes):

My two 10.5s


awaits the inevitable "cool story bro"


Canada Stand Up!
Originally Posted by philaflava1

to the dude in canada who copped 9 pairs. congrats, you still live in canada though.

not sure what that means......if that was supposed to be a diss than you're one of those 'merican's who have never left their border.......get a passport bro!!!  "You aint been nowhere huh"?
so i live chat w/ nike rep and they say there is a pending cancel on my order?
dude says i gotta wait till monday to know whether they are "able to find me available stock"

completed my order within the first 3 minutes of when the link went up. used a CC and next day shipping, lmao nike really dropped the ball on this one
Originally Posted by robxdrew

Originally Posted by flyHIGHjordan

i am just going to email CT to see what the deal is

Hit me up with a pm man and let me know what they tell you. I just e-mailed them as well.
I put there reply up a few pages back

ill put it up again cause it looks like no one saw it

Hello ,

Thanks for getting in touch regarding order ........

I am pleased to advise that your order has been sent to our warehouse for dispatch.

Our website can sometimes take a little while to catch up with our packing department but it will confirm the parcels dispatch soon.

I hope this helps, but please get back in touch if you have any further questions.
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Allthe best,

repaste of my bad exp camping...
Louisiana SUCKS +**.
Me and my friends started at Esplanade mall. There were 3 entrances that they were going to open to let people in, so we chose the one that seemed most beneficial to us. At about 4:30, they started letting people in and the mall cop we had was a TOTAL %+%#@!@. He was only letting 3 at a time in every %+*%%$% 2 minutes, going from the left side of the door, to the right side of the door. ##$? After about 10 minutes of doing this stupid +@@#, one guy came back and was like its no use, everyone from the other 2 doors are already in and they are mobbed up in there, so when he let 3 more come in, everyone just %+*%%$% bull rushed through him. The finishline had the most pairs, and that was were everyone was. It was about 100 dudes crowding around the finishline, and an employee was trying to go in but noone would move back AT ALL. We decided to leave and hit up this other place that was suppose to get the most in Louisiana so we headed there. Prior to going here, my friend was camping for a midnight release they were going to have there, but it got stopped because too much riots happened and the cops had to taze a couple of people and a bunch of cops came. He said they relined again after they made everyone leave, but the cops came back out and told them to go home and that it won't open til 10. We decided to try our luck there, and we were able to get there by 530. People were there lining up again, about 20 people, so we think we have a pretty good chance of getting it as I called up a week ahead and FNL, FTL, and Footaction said they were getting them. Come 8 o clock, another %+%#@!@ mall cop was holding everyone back, since there was no formal line, he said they would let 10 people in at a time. The footaction manager or whatever came out and said they only had certain sizes left. They were the ones that was suppose to have 170 pairs, only had %+*%%$% 40 pairs left. About 4 pairs from 7.5-10. There was NO pairs above 10.5+. How the $%@$ can that happen? Then the mall cop came out and explained if you preordered, your pairs are already bagged and you can pick them up with your receipt. I was thinking ##$ how the $%@$ can you preorder it? I thought they didnt let you? So as he openned the door and let the first 10 in, we all waited. The cop said that the other entrances are open, but there are officers in station to not let any of them go to any of the shoes store since we have been waiting for awhile. We wait for about 20 minutes, wondering why the $%@$ are 10 people taking so long to buy 10 pairs of shoes. The cop comes out and says they only have about 12 pairs left, and im like ##$? how the $%@$ 4 people buy %+*%%$% almost 30 pairs of shoes???? He still wouldn't let us in yet, and after about 15 more minutes, he came back out and said all adult sizes are gone. How the $%@$ does that happen? There were 100 people waiting outside, and we were getting screwed. They finally let us in, and my group should have had been the first ones to line up at footaction, but somehow theres already 20-30 people waiting outside the footaction. How the hell? I thought the cop said they were guarding it? And to top that off, We went to finishline and footlocker, but apparently they sold out already. How?!?! No one came out with any finishline or footlocker bags, so they had to have sold it all before release date. I called both previously in the week, and they said they were gon open at 8 am for it. I asked the guy at footlocker when did they started selling it because we were here and didnt see anyone get anything from here, and he totally ignored my question. We were beyond pissed. We went into a drink shop to rest a little bit, seeing as how we drove an hour for no reason just to get screwed. A footaction employee was there and we asked her why did they only have 40 pairs. She said they had 170+ pairs shipped to them. So we asked her did people pay them extra to secure their pairs, and she said yeah, money talks and that they were doing it for $20 bucks 3 weeks ago. So we bascially got screwed because of greedy employee and bad management of the mall. We decided to go back to Esplanade mall, and found out finishline never openned up because people didn't want to listen, and that they will be closed all day. The kids footlocker's glass got broken in the process somehow. I was able to cop 2 on NDC, but I was trying to help my friends get theres and get my girl one, but lets just say it turned to +@@#. Yes I am very salty.
Originally Posted by DRO3000

Originally Posted by philaflava1

to the dude in canada who copped 9 pairs. congrats, you still live in canada though.

not sure what that means......if that was supposed to be a diss than you're one of those 'merican's who have never left their border.......get a passport bro!!!  "You aint been nowhere huh"?
i only got 8 pairs...canada still sucks though
Originally Posted by lamont15

Originally Posted by robxdrew

Originally Posted by flyHIGHjordan

i am just going to email CT to see what the deal is

Hit me up with a pm man and let me know what they tell you. I just e-mailed them as well.
I put there reply up a few pages back

ill put it up again cause it looks like no one saw it

Hello ,

Thanks for getting in touch regarding order ........

I am pleased to advise that your order has been sent to our warehouse for dispatch.

Our website can sometimes take a little while to catch up with our packing department but it will confirm the parcels dispatch soon.

I hope this helps, but please get back in touch if you have any further questions.
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Allthe best,

good news, thanks. still emailed them, why not i guess?
Originally Posted by shortyoscart

Originally Posted by Janitor

Originally Posted by Magic1978

Why the hate?

Have you ever even been to Canada?
Dude hates Canada now after getting shut out of this release


Nice!!! Did Canada sell out as well or is it like Europe where cool greys are still sitting on shelves?

Completely sold out across the country.  We had lines too....albeit nothing like yours down there

That is the line for the Concords at Champs in West Edmonton Mall at 7AM.  They opened at 8, the mgr did it by the book and handed out size tags to those in line.

Shout out to Dave the mgr there, he did it by the book all the way.....the last guy in the pic is actually an employee of that store.  Dave did him no favors and made him line up for the kicks like everyone else.  Im sure he held his size but that should go without saying.  Kid lined up, copped his kicks then went in the back and got changed for work......#CLASS
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