Official Air Jordan XI Concord Release thread 12/23/11 NO BUYING/SELLING/TRADING!

THis is crazy. I called modells in bay plaza mall in the Bronx two days ago to find out what time the store opens for the release. they say 7 am on friday so i'm thinking im good if I get there 1 am and i'll be the very first in line. Boy was I wrong as I get to the front of the store theres all ready cats camping and at least over 100 people in line!

I was upset that I was just going to wait at the front of the store and as soon as they open rush in. But then I knew they'd probaly F me up or possibly kill me so I decided to run to Pelham parkway and Cop from BX sports. GOt there a little before 2am and I was the 7th in line. The store opened at 9 am he let people in one by one when it was my turn I asked for two 9.5's he said only one pair per customer unless im buying one mens size and one small size. SO I said screw it gimme a 9.5 paid 195.25 and left with my one pair. Grateful to have at least one knowing theres people out there who didnt get a chance to secure a pair for retail. I'll be looking for more pairs to buy online in the future.

The weather in NYC was crazy very cold and rainy terrible combination. It's crazy that I waited over 7 hours in this weather conditions for these that just goes to show how determined I was to secure my pair. To risk my body going out theres drenched in rain for hours freezzing shaking and trembling with wet clothes on and holding in my pee . I must admit this is the first time I EVER waited this long in line for a pair of shoes and it was well worth it, I am VERY HAPPY with this pickup. Ho HO Ho Meryyyyy ChristmAS!!

Good luck to all on getting your pairs keep the pickup stories coming!
Originally Posted by Sneekaz

bought a pair via ndc earlier your page probably looks like this if successful
Ouch, this is one of those times that I realize I'm lucky to live in MN with no sales tax. But hey, you got em!


Shouts to my local nike store. Waited in line 1 hour for a wristband, came back at 11 pm and waited for my kicks.
When I was younger, the fun of buying J's was that first time you got to open that box, and put them on your feet. Walking through the halls at school, you felt like a million bucks! haha.

Now, I mean seriously, if I had these retros right now, I would not even want to wear them, I mean people are KILLING people for SHOES? Unreal.

I have my 2001 retros, and they look fine, but heck I wouldnt even wear them out right now. You just cant deal with ignorance.
store i went to had 9 and my cousin were 5th and 6th on our pairs after camping 9 hours...good experience, weather in nyc sucked, i felt bad for the 30-40 people that refused to just leave after reading the signs on the doors that said they only had 9 pairs at the store...
Originally Posted by manamazing55

i wonder how some people got them "easy" on NDC, while thousands others kept having the site lockup/etc?

I was trying to get a pair for my friend who had to work, and kept getting them in the cart, but after CC information was keyed in, the site just sat there.

I hate it for kids these days, the game has changed in alot of ways. Kids are just buying them because theyre the new "it" thing..........nothing to do with Jordan, nothing to do with legacy, they were like 6 years old when Mike graced the court with the XIs

Whatever, im getting old lol

yeah it was easy on NDC, got confirmation within 5 minutes. But my boy said he was having problems and got on the same time as I. Didn't get thru until 45 minutes later and sold out. Same happen with my gf's cousin too
Originally Posted by Shady4Life

Originally Posted by redsfan3

Got what I needed. I saw one guy put them straight on out of the box. He was so happy. That's the way it should be.
Christmas spirit right there!

Ha! I thought i was the only dude who still did that. I immediately pop on every pair of kicks i buy.
Originally Posted by Shady4Life

Sneekaz wrote:

bought a pair via ndc earlier your page probably looks like this if successful
Ouch, this is one of those times that I realize I'm lucky to live in MN with no sales tax. But hey, you got em!


ha yea ny tax 8.6 percent hope you get yours

it looks like they charged it .08875 wow
I, like many of you here went through NDC for my pair. Yes the site was slow, I had to keep hitting the twitter link several times to get through despite the timeouts. I was able to add my pair, and then it kept messing up so each time I hit the link it came back with my pair already in the cart. Then I had to remove the exta pair, which took even more time. I kept checking the twitter feed and lucky for me, my size (12) was still up there after about 35 min or so. I finally get it down to one pair in the cart, paypal did something funny on me the first time. Tried again, then had to enter my card number. It finally goes through, albeit VERY slowly. Went to click process order, it says it would take a while. I go to the bathroom, come back and BAM, blank screen. I'm ticked off a little but decided to give up. I kinda got irritated. My girl calls me about a gift I ordered for her, so I check my account to see if the money for that was refunded, and when it comes up, I see the money was taken out for the shoes. At this point, I was skeptical because I didn't even have an order #. After waiting until they announced everything was gone, I went back to the site, logged in and went to order status and saw an order #. 10 min later I got an e-mail confirmation. Even though I had a hard time getting through I sorta commend NDC for not crashing completely, and I see that had a lot of pairs. That being said, this release disgusts me. You see all types of horrible behavior from people whether it be in line, online whatever. I saw a lot of people on twitter gloating about getting a pair of shoes. Really though? It's not even that serious. I think it's time to leave this alone and save myself some money and a headache. It's sad how people act over something that they won't even take care of. This might actually be my real goodbye to buying "tennis shoes". And let's be real, that's what they are, no use in making it more than what it is.
now i'm wondering if ndc will do overnight shipping like they do every year.

congrats to everyone who copped.
Originally Posted by tupac003

Niketown Seattle was actually pretty calm.

A lot of people. I showed up 30 min before they opened. I got to the door and they sold soon as that happened my confirmation e-mail came from NDC. I called them as soon as I got home to confirm! Can't complain.

Saw a bum get beat up by 2 females...whole lot of hype beats. I'm 29...watching all these kids in skinny jeans just made me laugh a little bit. One guy threw at least 20 pairs in his trunk. His car was right by the line.

All together a pretty fun night. If finsihline comes through (which I'm not banking on) I will have 5 size 15's (2 from NDC, 1 from FNL, 1 from End and 1 from a hook up) 1 14 (from FNL) and 1 10.5 from CT that I got the confirmation number from while in line. I think I did ok but won't be happy until I have shoes in hand...
Yea.. I guess for the most part.. It was calm and cold.. But some foul play was goin on and I feel NT is responsible.
If you were beyond that first bend/wrap around the block.. You were forgotten.. No wristbands = Mad people jumping the line (at least 60).. Check NT seattle facebook and read their reasoning
Fortunately for me.. I assembled a squadron full of veterans. No chance of that funny biz goin down where I was positioned. 
9-10.5 went quick.. And when they announced they were gone.. All you heard was "Ahhhh %&^%$!" 

And then heads just gobbled whatever was left. A lot of people (at least 250) left NT Seattle salty and went to HoH and created madness

I planned on going into semi-retirement after this release so got 3 pairs.. Hopefully Eastbay dont cancel on me and I can make it 4.
Last night was a life changer in Greensboro.  My boys (Shout out to Quis, and his cousins and my boy Chris)  were at the mall since 12 noon.  Footaction and Mall Security (Four Seasons) weren't going to let people line up until 10PM..  Whatever..  I show up at 4 and its a good time.  People were being hard headed, but security kept it real and told people to leave.  Of course, people didn't and kept coming right back.  

So around 8 or so.  We come back from walking around to see a line formed outside of the store.  At first we were like, "They going to break this up..  Whatever."  We decided to get in line just in case when security was like F' it and let everybody stay.  BS.. 

People were being foul waiting inside of the store.  They get kicked out and instead of doing the right thing, they all stayed in the front.. BS..

So, now, if there was an actual line started correctly, we would have been top 10 to 15 in line, we are like in the 50s to 60s..  BS..

Then, here come goons cutting in line..  Terrible..  

Around 11 or so we start to hear that sizes aren't available anymore which infuriates my crew.  Boiling mad.  That had started giving tickets to the cats who had clearly cut in line.  I went up to the front where they were calling out sizes at told the officer my boys had been there all day and all of these people cut in line.  The officer asked the manager (Shout out to Sam) if we had been there and he was like yea.. So we get a ticket.  I was the only one out of my boys to get my size (9) and only 3 out 5 got anything at all...  Terrible..

No organization and poor crowd control leads to images like this...

These were people still stirring about after all the sizes were accounted for... 
  Easily about 150 or more people...
All for the prize...

I'm done with the lines man.  Last night was the first time I was actually a little shook that I was gonna get murked or pepper sprayed..  The wolves were out man..
And to think, the Concords from 2000 SAT..  Didn't sell out for WEEKS

Congrats to all who got their pair.
Originally Posted by superblyTRIFE

Let me preface this by saying that I haven't camped for a pair of shoes since the Black/Metallic V's in Jan. 2007.  That said, this was EASILY the craziest release I've ever been a part of.
I first tried online @ NDC with no luck, so I figured I'd head out to the mall for the 5 AM drop.  I get there at 1:45ish and there are probably about 50 total people waiting at various mall entrances.  So I picked the one w/ the least people and posted up.  Time goes on and we see people in the mall walking around with Footlocker bags--dudes outside were HEATED!!  It turns out later that they were Footlocker employees coming to get their pairs first.  SMH.  

Long story short, me and this random cool cat I met up there decided to walk around the mall and find an employee entrance.  Sure enough, we found one within 5 minutes and it was wide open.  So we dip inside and come out right by Footaction--they're sold out b/c they stayed open until 2 AM to compete w/ City Gear.  So we dip down to Footlocker and lay in the cut, hoping to dodge the ONE security guard in the mall.  Next thing we know, here comes about 20 dudes doing waaaaaay too much--bruhs were running, yelling, etc.  This is 3:30 AM and they don't start selling until 5 AM.  So security comes and is on the phone w/ the police and says we have to go.  DAMN...they blew up the spot and we all lost.

So we head back outside but I tell dude that we're going back in there in a few minutes b/c the mall officially opens up at 4 AM for mall walkers.  So we slide off from the main group of people as quietly as we can, but again about 10 dudes followed us within a few minutes.  They all entered the mall downstairs, but we decided to go upstairs.  We see people sitting in front of Finishline so we headed there.  There were literally 7 people in line.  
  Meanwhile, there are easily 200 people still waiting outside.  So we're good, right?  

Then they opened the doors for the folks outside and within seconds the 9 in line at FNL became 200+.  About 30 or 40 dudes rushed the front of the line and blatantly cut....damns were not given at all.  So its now just a huge mass of people at the gate at FNL--no order to the line at all.  Just mad hard legs jockeying for position (pause).  Like yo, if you're 6 inches from my face bruh, you're doing a little too much right now.  They start letting 2 folks in the store at a time and the first few rounds were people that just rushed the front of the line.  At that point, I thought dudes were about to start shooting b/c that's when all the gun talk started lol.  Hell, one dude got in there and WENT BACK INTO THE STOCK ROOM HIMSELF AND GRABBED A PAIR!  After a long wait and a lot of pushing/shoving and #%!# talking, the manager asked me what size I wore and then let me in....scooped the last size 11.  My homie I met in line got pushed way back behind me, so I pointed him out to the manager and told him he was right next to me in line before all the goons rushed the spot.  So he let him come in and he scooped the very last 10.5.  
   At that point, it had cleared out b/c most good sizes were gone, so we diddy-bopped back to the parking lot w/ Concords in hand and dipped.  

Morals of the story:  I'm too old to camp for shoes.  I will never camp for shoes again.  Black people--we need to do better....bruhs just show up acting like DAMN FOOLS like its all good to be ig'nant as hell.  SMH.  Thanks Mike for these overpriced, cheaply made shoes that I still love.  
Good Story. . . . .
Ya'll should have just gone to Nordstrom a couple weeks ago, talked to the shoe department manager, and reserved a pair. Problem solved.
shoutouts to all the real sneakerheads who copped these to keep and not sell right away. The ones who twitpic they shoes right away and say forsale are what ruins the game. Congrats tho those who copped
Originally Posted by FeedTheEgo1982

Last night was a life changer in Greensboro.  My boys (Shout out to Quis, and his cousins and my boy Chris)  were at the mall since 12 noon.  Footaction and Mall Security (Four Seasons) weren't going to let people line up until 10PM..  Whatever..  I show up at 4 and its a good time.  People were being hard headed, but security kept it real and told people to leave.  Of course, people didn't and kept coming right back.  

So around 8 or so.  We come back from walking around to see a line formed outside of the store.  At first we were like, "They going to break this up..  Whatever."  We decided to get in line just in case when security was like F' it and let everybody stay.  BS.. 

People were being foul waiting inside of the store.  They get kicked out and instead of doing the right thing, they all stayed in the front.. BS..

So, now, if there was an actual line started correctly, we would have been top 10 to 15 in line, we are like in the 50s to 60s..  BS..

Then, here come goons cutting in line..  Terrible..  

Around 11 or so we start to hear that sizes aren't available anymore which infuriates my crew.  Boiling mad.  That had started giving tickets to the cats who had clearly cut in line.  I went up to the front where they were calling out sizes at told the officer my boys had been there all day and all of these people cut in line.  The officer asked the manager (Shout out to Sam) if we had been there and he was like yea.. So we get a ticket.  I was the only one out of my boys to get my size (9) and only 3 out 5 got anything at all...  Terrible..

No organization and poor crowd control leads to images like this...

These were people still stirring about after all the sizes were accounted for... 
  Easily about 150 or more people...
All for the prize...

I'm done with the lines man.  Last night was the first time I was actually a little shook that I was gonna get murked or pepper sprayed..  The wolves were out man..
And to think, the Concords from 2000 SAT..  Didn't sell out for WEEKS

Congrats to all who got their pair.
I went to that Footaction once for a release of the 6 lows, Carolina/Blue white........not a huge release, but when they let the chain gate thing up, I walked in and asked for a size 9, the guy goes "we dont have any".....I said, "youre telling me Nike didnt send you any size 9's?" He goes, um, we dont have them anymore. I said, im first in line............yup, their employees got them. That was the last time I dealt with them.
i empathize for all yall who didnt buy this was what i was talking about, the secret stashing, presales, and people with 7,8 pairs in their hands.
keep your head up hope there are restocks
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