Official Air Jordan XI Concord Release thread 12/23/11 NO BUYING/SELLING/TRADING!

Originally Posted by hAzEee aNd sN3aKerS

Im going to the store strapped on RD just in case someone tries to rob me. Cats be getting crazy in New York and im going to defend myself if Someone attempts to rob me.
I worked too hard for my money to have someone try to take it from me. Good luck to all copping on RD get to the store early and be safe.

NTers with a gun license I think it's best you bring some protection with you on RD.
its kind of crazy to hear that you need a gun to buy a pair of shoes.    
Originally Posted by shindo03

Originally Posted by dankenstien88

verysteri otypical wrote:

great post

I could personally care less if someone has a hookup and is able to profit a little from this release.  But seriously...  people with numerous pairs should be grateful for what they have, not rubbing it in peoples faces. 

There both wrong and both right in some ways...... I mean rojanjon is just not being realistic. The sneaker game has just come to this point where it is a perfect example of how cut throat and disgusting people can get when money is in the mix. There's only a small percentage left that "hook up" people up for the sake of I guess just hooking someone up. I have seen too many times where people either say they will hook them up but once they get the shoes the value gets to there head and they seem hesitant on doing a good deed. And in most scenarios they flake on the favor. OR good people hook people up and then they ask for favors in return and to there surprise the favors are never returned. And in turn they decide to never hook anyone up again. Then of course there are GREAT people that hook up people without ever wanting anything in return. 
I see the "hooking people up" in the shoe game as giving christmas gifts. You shouldn't give a gift thinking that you are getting something in return. If those people you gave a gift to are grateful and are good people. Then out of there kindness they will have already had a gift ready for you or will get you a gift in reminder of how thoughtful you were of them. 

As far as collectors and resellers goes. I think there is something that is not being thought about. There are 3 types of people in the game. 1 being the individual that purely resells and doesn't even keep a single pair for themselves. 2 the complete opposite where the individual just collects and rarely resells. 3 the individual that resells and collects (the one that funds his sneaker obsession by reselling). But, all in all dro3000 is a clown because he is bragging about how many pairs he has for resale lol....... It's like like buying out all the tickets for a Green Bay Playoff game and then going to Sports Bar in Wisconsin and telling everyone how much your about to make bank on the tickets. It's stupid lol........ I think it's so hilarious when people are inline at a campout and start talking about how many pairs there getting with there friends to resell. Everyone in the line who is an actual enthusiast despises them and wants to deck them lol.....I mean it's all good if you want go resell shoes for whatever reason but keep it to yourself.....  

Please do tell me where I was BRAGGING???  I stated the facts.....only those who have jealousy in their heart (which is a weak emotion BTW) would assume I'm bragging......please read my response and decide if that was bragging...
Originally Posted by DRO3000

Originally Posted by rojanjon

Originally Posted by DRO3000

And this is 1 reason I don't post much. All posts should not turn into an argument. I thought this was over pages ago.....let it go guys. Let's stick to the shoes, the release, and pertinent information concerning website, info, etc..that actually help people.
Originally Posted by hAzEee aNd sN3aKerS

Im going to the store strapped on RD just in case someone tries to rob me. Cats be getting crazy in New York and im going to defend myself if Someone attempts to rob me.
I worked too hard for my money to have someone try to take it from me. Good luck to all copping on RD get to the store early and be safe.

NTers with a gun license I think it's best you bring some protection with you on RD.

I'll bring my e-gun to NDC
Originally Posted by hAzEee aNd sN3aKerS

Im going to the store strapped on RD just in case someone tries to rob me. Cats be getting crazy in New York and im going to defend myself if Someone attempts to rob me.
I worked too hard for my money to have someone try to take it from me. Good luck to all copping on RD get to the store early and be safe.

NTers with a gun license I think it's best you bring some protection with you on RD.
are you serious?
Even with a gun license in NY, isn't it illegal to conceal a weapon in a public area?

not trying to argue, or pass judgement... just curious 
Originally Posted by ijapino

Originally Posted by rayray3thousand

Originally Posted by geestylezz

always an hour late for these online releases.
I swear I thought I was on the PM list, but I havent got one PM
that PM list was a mess... it was originally an email thread but everyone just sent me a PM saying to PM them... why?  so we can give them live links before everyone else even though they contribute nothing?  forget that 

let's just say those who do contribute are all locked in as far as this release goes 
Are you surprised? People expected someone to actually coordinate a massive PM/email to everybody who requested information? And this was to keep "lurkers" from gaining valuable info? From the looks of it, many of the people I saw posting "pm me too!" were newer members themselves. This is one of the reasons I created the PM list thread. This has helped alleviate much of that clutter in this thread while still allowing members to be added to a "wish list"...Hopefully some of y'all that end up with extra pairs for sale can hit up some of those guys in that other list...The "PM list" sounds great but c'mon....It was never going to work...Especially if all someone had to do was say "pm me too!"

Also, I keep hearing this nonsense that lurkers are the ones eating up all the pairs that people are posting on here. You can't be seriously. Niketalk is a small community compared to the hundreds of other sneaker boards out there. This information may pass thru a hundred people before we ever get word. Whether it be word of mouth or employees hooking their friends up first. Believe that. Whoever posted the information here most likely got it from somewhere in turn, they "lurked" themselves. Everybody is in it for themselves at this point. The only way people are going to get the word passed on to them is if it gets posted here. I welcome it.

Well said. Now I have been a member here since the 1st time it was in Kicks Magazine. My first screen name was good from 1999- 2004 then I switched up screen names. I only have 400 posts in the last 7 years. Does that make me a "lurker"?? Even though I have been on this site as long or longer than a lot of people in this thread? I am older now, my life has changed, and getting "limited edition" sneakers isnt that much of a priority to me anymore. Doesn't mean myself or anyone else is less worthy of the info though. If somebody wants to buy 20 pairs, let them ...Who cares?
I am thankful of the guys who posted links allowing me to get a couple pairs. I remember posting on the 2000 Concord retro post. So easy to get any sneaker you wanted back then. There was no "game"
What's The Deal With I Saw People Say The Are Legit But I Sense A Negative Tone Because It's Run By A NTer
Judging from Ijapino's response above, it doesn't seem like it would be well received to propose that certain parts of NT be for members viewing only, maybe it wouldn't solve anything, but I guess you'd have to look at it from the perspective that it would possibly alleviate some of the traffic to the links that are posted in the thread, or rather hopefully would. do you feel about the proposition?  I'd strike it dead if you say no go on it.

@DRO3000...good looks my man...and as always respect and peace...
Originally Posted by hAzEee aNd sN3aKerS

Im going to the store strapped on RD just in case someone tries to rob me. Cats be getting crazy in New York and im going to defend myself if Someone attempts to rob me.
I worked too hard for my money to have someone try to take it from me. Good luck to all copping on RD get to the store early and be safe.

NTers with a gun license I think it's best you bring some protection with you on RD.
    Knowing that there's going to be people with concealed weapons when I'm just trying to buy a pair sneakers is quite unsettling. What's this world coming to?
Quick question always order online. First time I'm a take my chance to camp? My store is doing a 12am release. What time would you guys start to line up. For te space jams I showed up 11:30pm but I lucked out and arrived during the rush to the door in sure my footlocker has since gotten better. So once again what's a good time to arrive thanks in advance.
rojanjon wrote:
^^^^^^^^^^  This is why we should seriously consider proposing that parts of NT be visible only to members or members with posting privileges etc...
I think it is a viable proposition and one that Meth, Ijapino, and other Mods would seriously consider...

Any support for this from others?

I support the notion.

I don't know how well it would actually work in practice, but I think its definitely an idea worth a shot. 
Looks like Urban Industry will ship out on the 23rd. I emailed asking about my order status.

"Hi there,these are a Pre-order for a 23rd December 2011 release,Best Regards "
Money talks, and the greed is strong. I knew that pm list would be out the window from day 1. Lurkers and registered members are 1 of the same. We all start out somewhere.
Im pretty sure people who are trying to flip pairs for profit are going be be disappointed come the 23rd. I cant see these going higher than 220 based on how many people are coppin early.
Originally Posted by rayray3thousand

Originally Posted by hAzEee aNd sN3aKerS

Im going to the store strapped on RD just in case someone tries to rob me. Cats be getting crazy in New York and im going to defend myself if Someone attempts to rob me.
I worked too hard for my money to have someone try to take it from me. Good luck to all copping on RD get to the store early and be safe.

NTers with a gun license I think it's best you bring some protection with you on RD.
are you serious?
Even with a gun license in NY, isn't it illegal to conceal a weapon in a public area?

not trying to argue, or pass judgement... just curious 
It's VERY illegal. Gun laws in New York state are amongst the most stringent in the country..why do you think they came down so hard on Plax?
I had CT tell me on more than once occasion that they would not release before the official RD..guess I should have taken that response with a grain of salt. Congrats to everyone who was able to get their pairs this morning
Originally Posted by DRO3000

Originally Posted by rojanjon

Originally Posted by DRO3000

You obviously don't collect anything but sneakers......young manWhat hobby do you know that ppl willingly buy to resell for cost??? Comics??? CARS??? Antiques??? Paintings???? even iPhones and iPads hit the resell market the first week of launch.........concert tickets anyone???This 'sneaker culture' if you wanna call it is growing. Who are you to say that the guy living in Alaska who can't get a pair at retail even if he wanted to isn't happy paying $300 for a pair of his fave jordans??? He's why u mad???Dro3000 is the man. A lot of you lurker newwbs have no idea!!! He's been offering up help since the last thread that was locked!!!! He was about the ONLY dude offering helpin out-multiple times. I hit him up a whilllllle back and he offered to help me out with nothing in return. I OFFerED to paypal him but he said he'd take care of me until he had them in his hands. He's also tried to help out with revealing the fake sites!!!!!DRO thanks for all the help from me and a lottttt of others!!!eBay is to sneakers what barret Jackson is to cars. This is business
Young man? 

My man, you have no idea.

Anyhow, to address your questions and emotionally charged statements, I will begin:

1. You are correct.  I do not collect anything but sneakers.  Not much of a hobby junky unless it is the hobby of living a good life.  However, like I have said many times before, I don't expect people to go out and copp mutliples and hook others up at cost, that is a little inane.  But, some members bragging about buying 25 pairs of Concords to resell for $100-150 above retail takes away from the sneaker culture and the sense of community that existed for many years.  You see many people on this board scratching and clawing to get a single pair, yet you are brazen enough to brag about how many pairs you have to resell.  Good for you my man, you bought extra shoes to make money off of people that could not get them for themselves.  Once again, this is not collecting, this is reselling, you in turn are a reseller. 

And, from my limited experience with trading cards, comics, collectibles, etc...there exists a tight fraternity in each hobby that use their common interests and good will to help each other out with a mutual benefit to everyone involved.  Concert tickets, whatever you want to mention, have the element of resellers.  It is a natural element of human behavior, to want to control resources and then charge an exorbitant amount due to the demand outweighing the supply.  This is the essence of greed.  You buy up all the bread at $1.00 and feed the starving for $2.00.  You are by no means encouraging a sense of community or good will.  You are out solely for yourself.

In fact, I know for a fact that there are numerous bands touring that have put in safeguards to limit the ability of resellers to obtain their tickets and in turn make a profit off of them.  People who have no real interest in the band other than to make money off of them. 

2.  I never said anything about the hypothetical guy living in Alaska as you so eloquently put it, paying $300 for a pair of shoes that retail for close to $200 with tax included.  Actually, I would expect this guy to pay somewhere between $240-250 for this particular shoe, with shipping and all taken into account.  If that is what he wants to pay, so be it.  However, it is unnecessary in my eyes.

3.  Do not be mistaken.  There is no anger or hatred or "salt", as you and the others are wont to call it.  Recognize that this is truth.  I have my pairs.  For myself and my family.  I have no worries.  I stay connected and in good relations with people all over the world that collect and help each other out. 

Yes, believe it or not, there are actually people that do things out of the goodness of their heart to help others, with no sense of reward or gain for themselves, other than knowing they helped someone share the same joy they feel when they put on a fresh new pair of kicks they have been desiring.

4.  If this is business as you say, then why not leave it on eBay?  No one here cares how many pairs you have and it is sad to see others like yourself acting so arrogantly about your feeble attempts to stack paper by reselling sneakers for $100-200 profit a pair.  This is how you have shown everyone here that knows the real score how small time you are.

If that's how you wanna stack some extra paper, then cool.  I really don't care.  But, what is pitiful is people bragging about having "X" number of pairs to resell while the majority of those posting in this thread are hurting for a single pair.

Now, I know you are upset about someone questioning your infallible methods, but just chill.  This is the internet.  No need to fly off reckless at the mouth and start calling people names or referring to others as "young man" when you have no idea who you are talking to.  It makes you look foolish. 

Respect and peace my man as we celebrate the birth of Christ. 
you sound so saintly
  good for you my man!!! 

So now that you feel all good and warm inside for showing up a reseller, maybe now you should know who YOU are talking to.

Ya I have 9 pairs coming.........out of those 9, 5 are being sold for retail to friends, family and 1 NT member and 1 ISS member.  Not to mention that I reached out to a couple more members who have said they need a pair.  I offered to sell for my cost, granted our retail is $30 more here than it is in the US so a couple people declined which I can understand.  I will also being making rounds to cop even more if I can, just to help out those who weren't able to help themselves.

None of the people who are getting their pairs from me fronted me any money, I used my own money and they will pay me when I have the kicks in my hands.

You my friend are missing the point. 

I have a problem with everyone getting on the people who did buy multiples acting like it's the reason they haven't scored A pair.  It's ridiculous.......and yes it is being salty when you call someone out who is buying up stock from the same places everyone else has access to.  You don't know their motives for buying them......don't assume everyone is trying to make a living off of Jordan' me, the $30 or $40 I could possibly make is peanuts my dude....peanuts.

TBH you sound like a good dude but if what youre saying is true and you have your pairs locked down already for you and your fam, you're an older dude like myself, and you make enough money to buy 20 pairs.........well, you shouldn't even comment on the situation.  Just let the salty ones be salty rather than chiming in trying to sound like the sneaker fairy

Im not tryin to have it out with you on a msg board my man......happy holidays my dude!  All the best to you and your family.....REAL TALK

Im done speaking on this. 


Those that know me know what I'm about.  they also know I don't need to sell sneakers to make ends meet
that would be the day

They also know I'm not a reseller by any means......actually I can honestly say I have never made a profit off of a sneaker
  imagine that???

@Riddla:  Good on you my dude!!  do what makes you happy, if that means buying 20 pairs, so be it!
doesn't it take awhile before you can even post on NT when you first register? so all you can do is lurk
^^^ I don't know about $ 220.....I am thinking they will level off at $ 275- $ 300.....You have to remember there are going to be a lot of teens who get shut out and will have all that xmas cash. Plus the older guys who still want a pair but strike out online and aren't going to camp. I cannot see them going for $ 220. You have to remember too that these Euro stores that are selling out probably only have a 100 or so pairs. The guys on here who grabbed them are a small minority of the consumers. And for every person on here who says that they got there pairs, there are 4 or 5 people saying they couldn't get through, or their order was cancelled.
Originally Posted by prince726

doesn't it take awhile before you can even post on NT when you first register? so all you can do is lurk

I can't remember how long you have to a month or two?
But, there you go, people that are waiting for their membership to be approved and don't have the ability to post would not be able to view these "members only" areas either.
Originally Posted by DeeeCeee

Originally Posted by rojanjon cool...I mean I'll hit up Meth and ask him if it is possible but I don't want to be the only one sounding the horn here and seem like the lone gunman or whatever...I'd really like to know there is a good amount of support for this idea before I hit up Meth or any of the Mods so as not to waste their time...

Anyone else?
Its not completely a bad idea...but what does it really solve? This "thought" only comes out when someone ....or a group of people... miss out on a coveted release. Next year and every Christmas after will be the same issue. You'll have those that will post nonsense just to increase post count, and then what will be your argument? I, for one, do not post much b/c I don't find it necessary to post unless I have something important to add (and some might deem this post unimportant since it may be counter culture)
 But hey... good idea? Maybe. Will it solve your problem(s)? No.

Just my $.02

This post here is thinking the most logically.

Everyone's panicking right now because of all the chaos that we all knew would happen for over a year now is happening. Sites being sold out within minutes of posting, crashing (and more servers that will be crashing 10 seconds after midnight of release), plus we'll be seeing crazy lineups of campers in a few days, if not sooner. Why are people surprised?

All this strategizing to come up with new methods to start some Secret Society is a prime example of "closing the barn door after the horse is gone." So what, said Secret Society is created tonight, and you have 3 days to go before one of the biggest releases in sneaker history, now what? Like I said before, y'all had A FULL YEAR to prepare for this.
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