Official Air Jordan XI Concord Release thread 12/23/11 NO BUYING/SELLING/TRADING!

Originally Posted by WhatsLosinLike

Straight up hood. 

Dudes like this are the reason i'm selling mine.
That may be Houston but I doubt those dudes went to school or live in the city. 
wow, never heard of a diff phone # messin up an order ? sounds like the guy who had to fax his phone or electric bill to verify/confirm his address ?? very unique
Man, last night... smh

First let me say congrats to those who got pairs. I Ended up pretty much staying up all night missing on NDC then driving to the mall to find a line already too big, then trying to get thru on random sites until about 11 est when I finally ended up biting the bullet and copping off MentalKicks, well I hope I did/goes thru.

Used paypal incase they are fake so it would be easy to send them back

Even if they do come thru I feel pretty bittersweet about the whole thing. Its a shame what the sneaker game has evolved into. I Can't believe all the pairs on ebay this morning. People were just waiting to come up. I dont blame THEM per se, but for someone like me who just wants a pair to rock, it certainly adds a little salt to the wound. Then seeing the news/reading stories on here, we just need to step back and put the whole thing in perspective. Kids are starving in america and we're seriously fighting over a pair of shoes? What part of the game is that?

As much as I have been loyal customer to nike, and it hurts to say, but #%#+ them. THEy KNEW ahead of time how popular these shoes would be and should have produced more. I know this would potentially take away from their 'hype creating' business model, but looking at all the chaos, was it really worth it? It would have prevented people from being beat up, stabbed, mugged, shot, pepper sprayed etc. Nike should be responsible and own the fact they carry some of the blame for the violence.

Like I said I've %$!%#* with nike since day 1, all the way back in elementary school, but they certainly could have handled this release exponentially better.

Colorado Springs, Colorado. Finishline at Citadel Mall 2011 Concord Release.
I camped out yesterday morning with my 10 yr son (1 per customer
) from 8am to 12am. #5 and #6 in line. Early X-mas!
F.Y.I. Little man was rewarded for his 18 hr boredom!
Man, what a crazy night. Thank God I was first in line. I camped solo but made friends with some people behind me. We had great conversation about sports, music, etc. We even rotated going to our cars for store runs and to get warmed up
. Then low and behold, these salty goons that were butt hurt from not being able to cop from the earlier releases arrived. Suddenly a dark cloud came over everybody in line. They were all yapping about how @#$#ed up it was that they couldn't cop them from the other stores and how they would stop at nothing to get a pair from here. We all know the type like Jay said " loud as a motorbike, but wouldn't crush a grape in a food fight. Little did they know that they were s.o.l. because a few hours earlier, the store managers passed out hand warmers to everyone. So prior to the store opening, the managers came to the door and said that only people who were in line with hand warmers could come in
. Right before it got ugly the police arrived (thank God). They let people in 4 at a time. You should have seen the salty looks on their faces when I walked out with my pair
. I don't give a damn about what people said about the prior XI releases, this was the ugliest by a mile. With all that said. I WILL NEVER CAMP FOR SHOES AGAIN. It WAS NOT worth potentially hurting someone/getting hurt for a simple pair of shoes. Merry Christmas to everyone.

Originally Posted by FLATFOOT888

Originally Posted by 160jordansdeep

Originally Posted by 160jordansdeep

this shoe is going to be a huge resell

look at all the non nike account sites state side like PYS citysole 
flight club cant keep them in stock at $375.00

the price will drop come next week but it will go back up and even a nickel and dime re seller will still get back no less then $240.00 pre pair

that's not bad if you going to get 10 or more pairs

i would start at $300.00 and take no less then $240.00 and thats being nice

only people crying about reseller are the people with no way of getting a pair at retail unless they camp or dont have the cash to buy a pair in the first place

not trying to hate on people who cant get a pair at retail (i did not on the Concords and in the past 2 years i got space jams & cool greys at retail 2 pairs each)

but if you want them at box price i would start to camp at any of your local spots across the country no later then tonight

i think this has been one of the biggest general releases in the past 23 years of me buying nike/jordans and being a serious collector for the past 10 years

by the way i have no extra pairs to sell
just my 2 cents on my guess on how release will go and most time i'm correct
My man here is ALWAYS 100% correct!!!
ya mans there stated the obvious
Originally Posted by ceotypedoe

Originally Posted by WhatsLosinLike

Originally Posted by ceotypedoe


They made valid points. 

valid points? so them saying michael jordan should sell all the jordans from his house is a valid point? 

point blank these dudes are clowns and they make my city look bad.
They were being Sarcastic. Since the reporter mentioned should Michael Jordan do something. His comment about Mj selling from his house is just saying if Jordan was directly involved in this chaos. Best believe he would so something different. Very valid point. You must be white 
actually im black fam. grew up in mo city. race aint got nothing to do with it.
Originally Posted by JayeRell

Anybody have the number or name of the person I write a letter of complaint to for Champs Sports?

I'll just say I've never in my life witnessed something as crazy as this. I collected shoes in college to wear and I never had a problem getting any shoe. Now, this thing has just turned into foolishness. I will never understand why people drop nearly $200 on a shoe to sell and make MAYBE $100-$150. I thought shoes were to wear.

I was at a mall yesterday where there was a stampede to the door because it was about the 3rd or 4th time they told people to line up and leave. Then there were 6 doors that could be opened and they only wanted to open one thus creating further chaos. The police asked people to move to the side and I was one of the few who listened. It was a good thing because they maced/pepper sprayed people to get them to form a single line (which ironically still didn't happen).

After that I got back in line only to be let in AFTER the people who stampeded and didn't listen. I get in the mall and was told there were no more 8.5 or 8 anything and to wait on the side. Then I was told by the Champs manager "well Footlocker will have your size but you have to get in the back of their line". Someone who left the line gave me their size 8 so I said ok maybe i'll try it on and see b/c my 01 breds are an 8.

After waiting another hour I get in the store and at the register I'm told I can't try on the 8. BUT there's an 8.5 sitting on the counter (this is AFTER they said I was the last 8 anything). I asked if I could have that one and they refused and said I can only get what's on my ticket (an
. Then I was told you can't try the shoe on and it's no refunds or exchanges. I'm like wait this is CHAMPS Sports right??? I call my spouse to see if it's worth it and this rude chick snatches the shoes and says "next in line" you're taking too long. That's when I became livid. I politely and intelligently (no foul language or anything) explained to her that disrespect is unacceptable in any way shape or form and called the DM over to the counter. He told her to go back to the stock room and leave, but I was heated.

They still didn't let me purchase the 8.5 so I left with high hopes for the 8 only to have them be a little too small-just like I suspected. I don't want to flip J's...I really just want to wear my size.

I'll def be calling corporate for all of this c o o n e r y (wait NT edits words like c o o n e r y now? LOL) and if I get anything less than my size I'm taking this to the next level. Oh and btw...I have video for leverage.

Honestly, 2011 might be the last time I purchase any Jordans. It's just not this serious anymore. If Champs doesn't clear this up responsibly I'll make sure they lose at least 100 customers and that more people on a larger scale are aware of this incident.

Wait, Are You REALLY Suprised That "!!!@%!%" Is An Edited Word Here On NT? For Being Such An "Intellectual", That Truly Has To Be One Of The DUMBEST Comments I've Seen Made On This Site In A LOOOOOONG Time

Please READ Below, And Then Realize How Rediculous You Sound................
1. c o o n e r y:
Acting in such a manner as to perpetuate black stereotypes in society such as music videos solely about cars, money and women.
Originally Posted by southwesthouston

Originally Posted by WhatsLosinLike

Straight up hood. 

Dudes like this are the reason i'm selling mine.

I live in Houston but originally from France and i can tell you my friend that Houston is a sh^thole ! nothing but ghetto folks like that running around everywhere robbing , raping and killing and living on welfare checks that my taxes pay for from my hard work !
For those who copped, just wait till these hoodlums mess up their pairs from runing in mud puddle from being chased by the police or not cleaning them after every wear lol.
To be honest it went down hill after Katrina. Bill White opened the city to Nawlins and that really set us back big time. We had our really bad spots (ie 3rd ward some of the 5th and others). They came and standards dropped considerably. That vid make s me sick inside. That vid is why I am TEAM FOREVER ALONE. 
Originally Posted by humpasaurus rex

Video of Pembroke Lakes Mall last night...

Thought about trying to get a 3rd pair there last nite.  But stumbled outta Tootsies and decided to call it a night.
Originally Posted by AJ Kickz

Originally Posted by hostos

concords done killed NT for a whole day 

but in the meantime:

Wow, I'm surprised you had time to order 2 different sizes. What browser/device did you use? What link/method for finding them on NDC?

I used the twitter link, and it took 30 minutes, but got my pairs, didn't have the balls to try two different sizes. Got them in my cart, and order confirmed.
nah man I just said, F it i want two pairs, and went for it
thank the gods it went through
I messed up by not securing a second pair. I had so many chances too, I always assumed I would be able to get a second one at the dozens of European sites I was surveying. If my order gets canceled I will feel like an idiot.
If your in nyc and didn't get a pair you didn't do your homework on these. I got out of work at 5 a.m this morning was able to get my hands on two pairs! (my size and a size 7 form my sister BF)....Big thanks to all the fools that camped out on steinway st and 82nd street FTL in queens all the hypebeast were at these spots in full effect. junction was the spot to be at easiest pick up' line at vim till about 7:15am when people started slowly showing up and cross country had like 7 people already lined up by the time i got there. I couldn't believe it, i struck gold! too all the people that camped out 5+'s hours in nyc and came out empty hand thanks you guys are fools !!!!  
man and @!$% yuku too

pages here one sec and gone the next. Im tired of this !*%$

I know this is a broken record but yuku servers arent coming close to cutting it
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