Official Apple Media Event Thread: January 27, 2010

May 1, 2006

Apple's media event will take place on January 27th at 10 a.m. Pacific time, where Apple is expected to unveil its latest "creation". Rumors have pegged the focus of the event to be a new tablet device from Apple.

you can follow live updates via Macrumors, Engadget, Gizmodo, and a host of other sites. If you prefer to watch a video stream, Apple will release one on their site a few hours after the announcements are made.

The rumor mill points to a few key points, and Steve Jobs has gone on record to call this "the most important thing [he's] ever done."

Rumors include:
  • An Apple tablet and/or e-reader device
  • iPhone OS 4.0
  • Arrandale i5/i7 chips for Macbook Pros
  • iLife '10
  • New carriers for iPhone
If you want to folow live updates:


- Engadget
- Ars Technica
- gdgt
- MacRumors Twitter
I can't wait.... iLife '10 shoulds be great. I'm looking forward to seeing all the rumors cleared up too. Some of them are just
hopefully they make some major updates with iphone os update 4.0. this layout is getting kind of stale.
I'm in the market for a new MBP. I'm really hoping they announce some midcycle refreshes with the Arrandale chipset. If not i guess i can wait
I could really care less about a tablet, and i already have a Kindle, but Apple does have a way to package up the old, give it the Midas touch and make us think we need it. Whatever it is, i hope it's worth the hype.
I'm also curious as to what OS 4.0 can bring (if announed of course). The iPhone is in despeate need of OFFICIAL multitasking, and with the Droid platform making headway into the smartphone market, Apple should be trying to implement that into it's software. With AT&T's exclusivity on the iPhone ending soon, it would also not be much of a stretch to see another network carry it. Tomorrow should prove to be an exciting day.
man keep me updated i need to know wats good the iphone... you already know my situation
They were updating the front of the Yerba Buena center when I drove by yesterday headed to the Fairmont from work...looks exactly like the flyer.

It'll be interesting what exactly they address...I assume since it's a product announcement they'll side step any mention of the imac display problems.
yo EBW,,,i meant to PM you a while back...I think it was you who had a small 7" or 9" monitor in a desktop setup thread. If i'm right, could you point me in the direction of where to buy one? I was planning to use it at my new workstation (if i could even find one)
If i'm wrong then ignore this
Quick question for you goat...was Snow Leopard worth it? I have it but have been to scared to install it. If I lose everything I will be more that upset. If you say the $%*! is worth installing well
Originally Posted by Capricorn1229

Quick question for you goat...was Snow Leopard worth it? I have it but have been to scared to install it. If I lose everything I will be more that upset. If you say the !*#$ is worth installing well

i wasa late to the party with it, but i do think that it's very much so worth installing. The only issues i had were updating a few applications that werent snow leopard compatible, and since none of my applications are "purchased"
03e15cef99a12ee6bbd03219196dd61dd9b05d1.gif was kind of a chore.
But im all up on top of that now and i havent looked back. The added hard drive space is worth it alone. Snow Leopard isnt so much as a brand new OS, but a refresh pf what Leopard was. nstead of overhauling, Apple just did slight modifications to the syetem that already works. After a while you dont even notice the differences
Originally Posted by thegoat121886

Capricorn1229 said:
Quick question for you goat...was Snow Leopard worth it? I have it but have been to scared to install it. If I lose everything I will be more that upset. If you say the !*#$ is worth installing well

i wasa late to the party with it, but i do think that it's very much so worth installing. The only issues i had were updating a few applications that werent snow leopard compatible, and since none of my applications are "purchased"
03e15cef99a12ee6bbd03219196dd61dd9b05d1.gif was kind of a chore.
But im all up on top of that now and i havent looked back. The added hard drive space is worth it alone. Snow Leopard isnt so much as a brand new OS, but a refresh pf what Leopard was. nstead of overhauling, Apple just did slight modifications to the syetem that already works. After a while you dont even notice the differences

Yo i still need that.
I hope it's fire but IMO this could wind up like the ipod hi-fi...a WTH device.  As in WTH do I do with this?  Microsoft tried this tablet PC thing a while back and it flopped.  I'm anxious to see what this does that a iphone or ipod touch can't?
Originally Posted by thegoat121886

Originally Posted by Capricorn1229

Quick question for you goat...was Snow Leopard worth it? I have it but have been to scared to install it. If I lose everything I will be more that upset. If you say the !*#$ is worth installing well

i wasa late to the party with it, but i do think that it's very much so worth installing. The only issues i had were updating a few applications that werent snow leopard compatible, and since none of my applications are "purchased"
03e15cef99a12ee6bbd03219196dd61dd9b05d1.gif was kind of a chore.
But im all up on top of that now and i havent looked back. The added hard drive space is worth it alone. Snow Leopard isnt so much as a brand new OS, but a refresh pf what Leopard was. nstead of overhauling, Apple just did slight modifications to the syetem that already works. After a while you dont even notice the differences
So wait even if I have a certain amount of GB that has been I'm down to 6 GB on an iMac
it will give my baby more memory? and for those applications that aren't snow leopard compatible how I would I go about making them compatible even the ones that weren't exactly purchased?
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