Official Avatar/.gif Request Thread (All others will be locked)

1:55 - 1:59

"SP" on the bottom right

Somebody hook me up please. Good lookin out
Can anyone hook it up? Need a new one for football season.

Blue border, flashing if possible.
Olvera23 tag in red. Titans-type font.

Clip: 5:50-5:55
my laptop crashed that had all the avy making stuff on it. i suggest hitting the first page of this thread, downloading the programs and learning yourself. its rather easy to make an avy.
Can I get one, please?


Whatever boarder would look good.

ESF in the corner in, again, whatever color would fit.
anyone willing to re-size my avy without da white bars???

You will receive my love for all eterninity

Thanks in advance

Now you know this is old when JRose5 is the OP.
Too bad he can't lock the other threads anymore 
There already is a thread for this. 
No **** 

 "there  already is threads for this" would have been a more correct statement 

*when posting in an existing thread goes wrong
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