Official Avatar/.gif Request Thread (All others will be locked)

Originally Posted by doosta45

916, how you get the borders black. like the same blackness as the nt background. mine are coming out like off black. want it to seem like the tags are somewhat floating
I've seen this before, my only guess is that the palette is probably too low. Honestly I don't really know.
yeah i do optimize them. ill put them at 125k. they come out to 128k. dont know how they getting so high. what are you using to check the size
Originally Posted by doosta45

yeah i do optimize them. ill put them at 125k. they come out to 128k. dont know how they getting so high. what are you using to check the size
Optimize avys don't work when they get uploaded to yuku, The size will be the same as if it wasn't optimized.
well how do i know what size it is, so ill know if its too large when i upload it to yuku.
Does anyone have that dont try to be funny certificate? I remember seeing it a while back and now when I need it I cannot find it.

Thanks In Advance
I know this is an avy request thread, but I was wondering if anyone can PS (delete "leaf" symbol, stay gold plane & IN4MATION symbols) on thisback ground.

And put these logos/symbols in their place same size and transparency as the others?


Umm...the 1st Portis one is 128,708. The 2nd one is 122,607.

I think both are fine under the NT rules, but I'll ask a mod just to be sure.

Thanks for the avys BTW, they came out

EDIT : Oh I just saw they are just over the limit...Damn it!
Please if you can, try to make it fit under (Like start itRIGHT before he gets in front of the Ref...hopefully that can help)
try this, optimized to about 112k, dont know what it is once uploaded to yuku. whats a way for me to tell what thebytes are? i cant upload avys. jrose suspended that option for me

134.22 KB (137441 bytes) this should work, figured out a way to know what the size is after uploaded to yuku.

white border.

like that
and if you may fade from green to blue..the word cucumbercool*****
Originally Posted by doosta45

try this, optimized to about 112k, dont know what it is once uploaded to yuku. whats a way for me to tell what the bytes are? i cant upload avys. jrose suspended that option for me

134.22 KB (137441 bytes) this should work, figured out a way to know what the size is after uploaded to yuku.

Perfect. Thank you very much sir!
Originally Posted by cucumbercool


white border.


like that
and if you may fade from green to blue..the word cucumbercool*****

pick, both up to NT standards
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