Official B l u - r a y thread - Confirmed: Lucasfilm preparing Star Wars box

casino royale
spideyman 3
misson impossible 3
transporter 2
the departed
talledega knights




missing a couple. hoping to add the bourne collection soon
My blueray collection is " The World Wide Web" hehehehehe

But I do have a few blueray games PS3
Originally Posted by vtran27

Originally Posted by torontoRaptor15

i can see you really liked spiderman 3
Actually, I thought it was horrible. I can't get rid of that turd. One came with my PS3. Then EB Games had a sale for the Spiderman Trilogyfor $20, so I was like why not? The first two are good.
So far I only have
Traning Day
Iron Man
28 Days Later
28 Weeks Later
Enter the Dragon
Casino Royale, and
The Dark Knight

Def. want the Bourne collection.
Originally Posted by torontoRaptor15

Originally Posted by vtran27

torontoRaptor15 wrote:

i can see you really liked spiderman 3
Actually, I thought it was horrible. I can't get rid of that turd. One came with my PS3. Then EB Games had a sale for the Spiderman Trilogy for $20, so I was like why not? The first two are good.

ill take the extra for 5 dollars shipped
Originally Posted by bns1201

Originally Posted by torontoRaptor15

Originally Posted by vtran27

torontoRaptor15 wrote:

i can see you really liked spiderman 3
Actually, I thought it was horrible. I can't get rid of that turd. One came with my PS3. Then EB Games had a sale for the Spiderman Trilogy for $20, so I was like why not? The first two are good.

ill take the extra for 5 dollars shipped

Shipping from Canada would probably be more than $5
Damn Johnny you gotta get that fixed.

I gotta take pics here soon. SMH @ my boy having like 15 of my movies though.
It's terrible I sent it in to Amazon and they mailed me a new copy the next day and now this 2nd copy doesn't work. I'm thinking about just buyingit from Best Buy and swapping out the disks and returning the 1 that doesn't work.

I'm curious to see your collection EBW.
Originally Posted by xdc2b18c1x


IMO, you NEED 120hz refresh to really enjoy the quality.
I thought Transformers looked better on HD DVD then on Blu Ray... and I watched it on HD on a 720P TV Vs on Blu with a 120 Hz 1080P Samsung
Step Brothers, Dark Knight, Talladega Nights, Old School, Italian Job, Shooter, Saw 1&2, The Planet Earth series, and Blow... the IMax parts of the DarkKnight look crazy, but the rest just look like regular movies to me and i dont understand why...yes i have the HDMI cables, HDTV, etc
This is about 2 months old. I've probably added about another 15+ titles since then. I get all my blu-rays from CD-tradepost ( I normally pay $15.99 each for them. I just got Lost season 4 a couple weeks ago for $27.99
. I guess you could say collecting blu-rays is kind of a hobby of mine.

damn nice collection homie ... i will post mine later ... i have a feeling it will piss some people off lol
And of most of my Blu-Rays, I don't think I've watched many of them all the way through. I have a hard time sitting at home and watching a movie, ifI'm by myself I rather play games, if my girls over.. I'm interested in other things

I still have not watched 3:10 to Yuma in full, I always get bored with it
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