Official Bitcoin Thread

From my emails and Reddit messages, it seems it didn't buy that much. Like 200,000 coins

If that joint really hits $1, Imma need therapy
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I just bought 2k worth and it’s dipping hard since then

I have bad luck prob gonna tank tonight
Yeah, I paid like $100 for them

I can live with missing out on 8 thousand in my situation. But if that joint really goes nuts, I will legit cry.

Word. I wonder if this is the same situation for a lot of the early people. I remember there were a lot of dogecoin millionaires on the forum back then.
I’m gonna have to sit this one out. Kraken is crashing and I don’t feel like setting up another app anyways.

another **** coin quick flip will happen soon. I missed out already if it’s at .11 cents

I’d be cashing out now if I got in this morning.
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