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Yo, this dude Trevon James’ new video is a completely meltdown.

Son is triggered after the bitconnect fall :rofl:
Dude looks like an educated weed smoker. Crazy thing is these Bitconnect guys are also trying to get people to hop on Davor Coin like that's not a ponzi scheme as well.

I don't blame him or any of the other YouTuber crypto "experts" at all though. The only people that are to blame are the ones that didn't do the necessary research before tossing their money into the project.
Bought me some more Ethereum last night

Every time the market 'crashes' my boys in the group chat have to mention bitcoin dying. Honestly, that's gotta be all FOMO, man. Gotta be a ****ty feeling if you overlooked crypto after that explosion in November. People just looking for a reason to tell themselves they made the right decision by not doing their research and figuring it out for themselves.

Reminds me of these guys
Dude looks like an educated weed smoker. Crazy thing is these Bitconnect guys are also trying to get people to hop on Davor Coin like that's not a ponzi scheme as well.

I don't blame him or any of the other YouTuber crypto "experts" at all though. The only people that are to blame are the ones that didn't do the necessary research before tossing their money into the project.

he educated though

Dude is definitely up on the game. He knows what he's doing, and his portfolio is proof.

The L's are by the "feed me" "tell me what to do" viewers who cant research/make decisions for themselves. They wanted a guy to point their finger at when things went sour, and now they have one.

Dude's portfolio is still valued in the millions even after the BitConnect failure. He was giving away bitcoin for weeks :lol:

But putting yourself on that kind of platform is a double edged sword. Even though you say "thesis not financial advice" and even if you don't tell people what they should and should not do, they will still do it. Thats why I stopped putting people onto this or anything else that has anything to do with their finances. I'm not going to be responsible for anyone's L's.

He still has what he has, and he's not hurting.

Video was hilarious though.
Lol I guess I'm more opportunistic than most. He has at least $2,000 just sitting there in bch. By the time it gets back to where he bought in he could've easily multiplied that by moving positions. Like if he'd put it in cnd yesterday. But that's just me

I believe the correct phrase for this situation is "opportunity cost."

The general NT consensus is to hodl but sometimes you have to try and buy yourself out of a bad spot in order to maximize opportunity and your time in the market. It'll be risky. Just try not make the same mistake if you move your funds to another coin.
Wanted to buy some a few days ago when it dropped to like .50-.60 or whatever... now its back to double that.
I bought only 40 coins when it was .73.
But someone told me this night prices will fall again a bit.
I'm curious since he's always right.
Dude is definitely up on the game. He knows what he's doing, and his portfolio is proof.

The L's are by the "feed me" "tell me what to do" viewers who cant research/make decisions for themselves. They wanted a guy to point their finger at when things went sour, and now they have one.

Dude's portfolio is still valued in the millions even after the BitConnect failure. He was giving away bitcoin for weeks :lol:

But putting yourself on that kind of platform is a double edged sword. Even though you say "thesis not financial advice" and even if you don't tell people what they should and should not do, they will still do it. Thats why I stopped putting people onto this or anything else that has anything to do with their finances. I'm not going to be responsible for anyone's L's.

He still has what he has, and he's not hurting.

Video was hilarious though.

He doesn’t know **** but shilling a ponzi. Dude says he’s educated on holding his worthless bitconnect coins and telling others to hold. Same dude that said “I know this looks like a pyramid but it’s not a pyramid scheme.” The same person who said Charlie lee and vitalik are just mad that bitconnect had the biggest booth lol. Same dude who said LTC and Bitconnect are the same thing. He’s preaching limited supply, the point that it’s a crypto, and throwing around the word blockchain like that instantly means it’s worth something.

This dude has no morals and he’ll continue to actively spread misinformation along with nick and the other dude Craig grant or whatever his name is. I don’t feel bad for the people that invested either, that’s their fault. I just cannot stand morally bankrupt people who lie and spread misinformation. If they stated that “yea it’s a ponzi you could lose all your money but you get this this and that” then ok.

Didn’t even watch the other coin he’s preaching but I’m about to. Just watched the meltdown vid and he literally blamed the SEC for hating LMFAO. Same card he pulled when Charlie and Vitalik called BCC a ponzi.

Trevon, nick, and Craig will prolly go to shilling bitconnect x. Hopefully people learned their lesson this time.
He doesn’t know **** but shilling a ponzi. Dude says he’s educated on holding his worthless bitconnect coins and telling others to hold. Same dude that said “I know this looks like a pyramid but it’s not a pyramid scheme.” The same person who said Charlie lee and vitalik are just mad that bitconnect had the biggest booth lol. Same dude who said LTC and Bitconnect are the same thing. He’s preaching limited supply, the point that it’s a crypto, and throwing around the word blockchain like that instantly means it’s worth something.

This dude has no morals and he’ll continue to actively spread misinformation along with nick and the other dude Craig grant or whatever his name is. I don’t feel bad for the people that invested either, that’s their fault. I just cannot stand morally bankrupt people who lie and spread misinformation. If they stated that “yea it’s a ponzi you could lose all your money but you get this this and that” then ok.

Didn’t even watch the other coin he’s preaching but I’m about to. Just watched the meltdown vid and he literally blamed the SEC for hating LMFAO. Same card he pulled when Charlie and Vitalik called BCC a ponzi.

Trevon, nick, and Craig will prolly go to shilling bitconnect x. Hopefully people learned their lesson this time.

Bruh is nick the dude who said he doesn’t know what a public key is? :rofl:

But they will most definitely pump Bitconnect X. That’s why Trevon is talking about holding his BCC and even buying more.

As long as bitconnect is still lurking and these guys have a platform, people will get finessed.

I just wonder if he will keep making videos now after his meltdown

These types of people won’t go away though. The overnight analysts and experts are everywhere now and if anything, the small change from YouTube views is enough to make these dudes hop onto the hype.

Last night I saw a video of a guy spreading FUD all based on his bad choices.

But that’s why you have to do you own research before running to opinions from others. Trevon is going to be straight without YouTube and BCC. Dude has other crypto in his portfolio. But the idiot who went all in on BCC came up short yesterday
Bruh is nick the dude who said he doesn’t know what a public key is? :rofl:

But they will most definitely pump Bitconnect X. That’s why Trevon is talking about holding his BCC and even buying more.

As long as bitconnect is still lurking and these guys have a platform, people will get finessed.

I just wonder if he will keep making videos now after his meltdown

These types of people won’t go away though. The overnight analysts and experts are everywhere now and if anything, the small change from YouTube views is enough to make these dudes hop onto the hype.

Last night I saw a video of a guy spreading FUD all based on his bad choices.

But that’s why you have to do you own research before running to opinions from others. Trevon is going to be straight without YouTube and BCC. Dude has other crypto in his portfolio. But the idiot who went all in on BCC came up short yesterday

Yea man didn’t even know what a public key is...

I saw trevon had an ico vid last night n took it down I guess because people flamed him for it. Word is the new coin he’s shilling is another ponzi, haven’t even looked into it. These dudes know what they’re doing, I really can’t stand how he tries to justify spreading misinformation out there. Hope the crypto gods hit all the bcc ring leaders with some karma

He said he might do the loan thing this n that so my guess is he’s going to slowly introduce the new ponzi while doing bitconnectx and his buddies will get on board too. Heard there’s bounties on their heads lmao
Guy i went to college with posted his portfolio on FB yesterday. Holy moly pudding pop Batman.

Dudes be putting targets on they back for e props, smh. Crypto is the wild west i done read too many stories of people getting hacked/phised/kidnapped/held gunpoint etc.
Dudes be putting targets on they back for e props, smh. Crypto is the wild west i done read too many stories of people getting hacked/phised/kidnapped/held gunpoint etc.
foreal people need to realize they should never post that **** on social media.
Anybody order a ledger recently? Ever since they announced that its on a pre order basis?
Anybody order a ledger recently? Ever since they announced that its on a pre order basis?

I was impatient and ordered one off of eBay and had instant regret. Hasn’t gotten here but I may not use it, seller had a no refund clause that I missed. I was thinking of using it until the preorder from Ledger arrives, but can’t risk it being seeded.
Yeah I wouldnt use it just to be safe.

I just wanted to know when ordereding the ledger, do they charge you immediately or when they ship it in march
I copped one from Amazon around November or December. I feel pretty safe about it cuz I had to set it up like new and wrote down my unique 25 word code but I do wish I copped it off their website.
Bitcoin purchases on coinbase been pretty fast for me lately. Just gotta get my limit up with my card. **** is only like $300
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