Official Bitcoin Thread

I'm going to hold until it makes sense personally and financially to pull out.

Haven't even been doing this for an entire year yet. There will be storms, dips, bear markets, and many moons. Scared money don't make money.

And besides, the money that I've already put in isn't being missed at all. If I didn't put it in the market, it would have been put into a vacation, shopping, or something else that I wouldn't see any financial returns on anyway.
Sounds like you're the person to talk to regarding my 401k :lol:

Best advice is to start saving as early as possible, like TODAY!

I wish they taught us about compound interest when I was in elementary school because I'd have huge savings if they did.

for example if you start saving today just putting in $100 a month into an account giving you 3%, in 30 years that will be about 58K with about 22K of it being interest that you earned.

but if you start saving 5 years from now, same amount same interest rate, you'll have 44K with about 14K in interest, the numbers don't matter, but you make 57% more in income from interests just in those 5 years. And If the gap was about 10 years, the difference in interest income would be about 157%

summery is compound interest is whats going to grow your money faster than anything else.. start saving TODAY!
Oh ok. What’s the time period though
that looks like the max chart of the dji, 5 year is up about 40% so that other chart posted has to be the max chart.
Not sure if the DJI is the best barometer of the market as it only has 30 components, the S&P 500 is more broad IMO
Keep an eye on Edo.x this month
Exchange is set to release this month per eidoo team. Expecting to see a pump when that happens.
Also announce ld another icocoming through their ico engine within the app.
I think it's funny how people keep extending the timeframe of when if you bought bitcoin at ___ date you would be up __%. Before it was December, now it's November. Soon it will be, well if you bought bitcoin 2 years ago, you would be up...
I got happy last time it went over 9K so I'm prepared for it to drop back down.

That bitcoin cash really screwed me though I hedged hard on it and paying for it now.

If that **** goes back to what my buy in price is then I'm going to sell it all.
rip ian balina
Sold his ICON few days too early. He's still got bonus tokens that were vested.

Good to see it on a Korean exchange though so I welcome the pump even though I'm still down from when I got in initially.
I need to start using tether more once these bearish markets starts.

Good job to everyone who bought ICX on the dip.
Sold his ICON few days too early. He's still got bonus tokens that were vested.

Good to see it on a Korean exchange though so I welcome the pump even though I'm still down from when I got in initially.
I need to start using tether more once these bearish markets starts.

Good job to everyone who bought ICX on the dip.
yeah he still made a lot of money off of ICX, but dude just got a tad bit emotional..
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