Official Bitcoin Thread

Sunk cost fallacy is killing too many in the crypto world.

What exactly is the point of HODLing until you lose as much money as possible? When you can cut your losses and reenter at better entry points?
Cutting losses to do what just have the money sitting there??? I might forget about it or completely forget about crypto if I had no skin in the game.. me losing a few thousand this year keeps me on the front lines.. lol
Because like everyone else mentioning it, they saw a tweet or article that said so :lol:
It's been like that all year... I was bashing xrp until I read about its use case... period
That makes absolutely no sense man. Let’s say you bought 1 BTC at @ $20k and it fell to $10k and continued to slide as it has...If you took your loss @ $10K, like a sensible investor and waited for it to bottom out in this bear market, you could’ve rebought and had 2 BTC @ $5K or 10 BTC if it hits $1K.

Instead, with your mindstate you’re holding on to that 1 BTC till it drops to its absolute lowest level and hopefully rebounds...but you still remain with only that 1 BTC, when you could’ve had more and multipled your profit. You’re willfully keeping your money in an asset that’s losing value in a clear and prolonged bear market.

That’s what I’ve been saying about the immmature mindset of the majority of crypto investors. That HODL stupidity goes against all rules of investing.
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Why are you so confident in xrp?

Because unlike all of the other big crypto, its still up 92%, People forget, XRP was still half its current value this time last year before the bull run.

Institutional and big money investors aren't aroused about being able to send crypto over a 3rd part facebook messenger (no shade Charlie, sorry.. not sorry)

Ripple is doing exactly what they said they would be doing, and having some of the biggest names in world finance behind you backing/using your product is a no brainer for anyone looking to make money long or short term.

People think that just because it hasn't sustained its all time highs all year long and hasn't mooned to 10k that XRP is failing. ANYONE who put money in this time last year is STILL up 92%. Regardless on if you took profits at all time highs and continued to buy throughout the bear markets. However people decide to manage their investments is on them at the end of the day, but when you look at the strides XERP has taken, compared to every other assets in the crypto market, why wouldn't you be confident in XRP? Its the #2 largest asset on the market. Surely if its legitimate infrastructure, its real working headquarters with real employees on real salaries (look it up on glassdoor if you want to check it out), or its major WORKING partnerships with companies like American Express aren't enough to convince anyone that XRP is a real product with real value and living use cases, its market cap should still be enough to convince anyone.

The BIGGEST thing that people gave XRP **** for last year when the crypto cult mindset was "decentralized! mining! fewer coins means more value!" is the same thing that big money will embrace once the smoke clears and the market begins to run again.

Bitcoin has its lane, Ethereum has its lane, and XRP has its lane. When you look at all 3 they each have a use and they all do it with value to investors and users. Bitcoin as a store of value, Ethereum as a development platform, and XRP as a payment platform

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Move with the money, b...

The millions that these big companies will make could still be hundreds and thousands for you. I don't understand why this whole crypto culture is stuck on hold until it tanks and we don't trust banks. Yeah, if we can get the banks out the paint, get them out, but until then set your stop losses and take your profits on your way up. This ain't a video game, this is real money, guys. I learned the hard way this year and witnessed a lot of guys who thought they were wolf of wallstreet take serious L's, and I used my losses as experience and did my due diligence to learn how to read charts, move with the market, and most importantly, set my gotdamn stop losses so I wouldn't be up to my eyebrows in L's.

Shoutout to fapmasterjr fapmasterjr and the discord. I haven't been in there recently but he's held it down all year.
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Everything you're saying does not give XRP, the token, any real value. Ripple does NOT equal XRP, in fact XRP isn't even being used if barely AFAIK from investors who were part of the seed round of Ripple Labs.

The token is made to act as a future currency for settlements, but it's unlikely it could serve as that given its volatility. The token is worth 20 billion yet has zero usage on their platform. Once governments adopt their own cryptocurrencies/stablecoins(think USDC), there is no reason for banks to use a private institutions currency as a settlement layer. Ripple has built a great solution to SWIFT but they can just provide the tech without using XRP as a currency.
Everything you're saying does not give XRP, the token, any real value. Ripple does NOT equal XRP, in fact XRP isn't even being used if barely AFAIK from investors who were part of the seed round of Ripple Labs.

The token is made to act as a future currency for settlements, but it's unlikely it could serve as that given its volatility. The token is worth 20 billion yet has zero usage on their platform. Once governments adopt their own cryptocurrencies/stablecoins(think USDC), there is no reason for banks to use a private institutions currency as a settlement layer. Ripple has built a great solution to SWIFT but they can just provide the tech without using XRP as a currency.

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We will see where the governments align themselves with creating their own tokens versus using the Ripple platform to transfer existing currencies, but XRP's involvement would undoubtably be a considerable option considering xRapid is one of 3 of Ripples biggest offerings. The whole cost saving ability to Ripples services is based on the XRP token itself.

So how would XRP not be of any value? You do understand how Ripple works right? -

Again, American Express testing xRapid tech -

They are already using the xCurrent platform, XRP is the token that when traded through xCurrent creates the xRapid process. Theres no way to use xRapid WITHOUT XRP. See where the value in XRP is? Ripple is selling a system. You think they don't want their customers to use every product that they offer if it isn't a perfect fit for their customer? You think Apple is going to sell you a Mac WITHOUT Mac OS? Without the dongle? Without iCloud? Why would they offer the xCurrent platform and then leave their customers to use some other tech to handle the liquidity? When they can just use the xRapid platform based on the XRP token?

What are they going to use instead?

Moneygram piloting xRapid -

XRP is more than a currency. In fact, its intended use isn't to be a currency at all... To your example, someone could send USDC to another currency and XRP would be the exchange platform used to convert the value. It wouldn't be the currency who's value is being converted.

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You don't pay someone in XRP like you would Bitcoin or LTC or any other "currency"

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That is what half of the crypto community doesn't understand, or is refusing to understand about XRP. Hence why it has such a high supply. Its not a form of payment, the tokens are supposed ot be used for billions of transactions, they aren't supposed to be the value of the transactions themselves.

XRP wasn't made to replace the dollar. Bitcoin was made to replace the dollar. XRP was made to send the dollar to others at a lower cost, faster, and more securely.
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We will see where the governments align themselves with creating their own tokens versus using the Ripple platform to transfer existing currencies, but XRP's involvement would undoubtably be a considerable option considering xRapid is one of 3 of Ripples biggest offerings. The whole cost saving ability to Ripples services is based on the XRP token itself.

So how would XRP not be of any value? You do understand how Ripple works right? -

Again, American Express testing xRapid tech -

They are already using the xCurrent platform, XRP is the token that when traded through xCurrent creates the xRapid process. Theres no way to use xRapid WITHOUT XRP. See where the value in XRP is? Ripple is selling a system. You think they don't want their customers to use every product that they offer if it isn't a perfect fit for their customer? You think Apple is going to sell you a Mac WITHOUT Mac OS? Without the dongle? Without iCloud? Why would they offer the xCurrent platform and then leave their customers to use some other tech to handle the liquidity? When they can just use the xRapid platform based on the XRP token?

What are they going to use instead?

Moneygram piloting xRapid -

XRP is more than a currency. In fact, its intended use isn't to be a currency at all... To your example, someone could send USDC to another currency and XRP would be the exchange platform used to convert the value. It wouldn't be the currency who's value is being converted.

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You don't pay someone in XRP like you would Bitcoin or LTC or any other "currency"

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That is what half of the crypto community doesn't understand, or is refusing to understand about XRP. Hence why it has such a high supply. Its not a form of payment, the tokens are supposed ot be used for billions of transactions, they aren't supposed to be the value of the transactions themselves.

XRP wasn't made to replace the dollar. Bitcoin was made to replace the dollar. XRP was made to send the dollar to others at a lower cost, faster, and more securely.

Key word, currency for SETTLEMENTS. There is slippage for every transaction, and volatility in an exchange of say 30 billion to XRP could result in millions lost even in the few seconds it takes to convert. Why convert to XRP if there is a more stable currency in the future which would undoubtably have pairs.

I don't believe in any of these "pilot announcements" until its actually in real use. Right now, nothing justifies 20 billion on a coin with zero adoption.
Because there's less volatility in 3 to 4 seconds than 3 to 4 hours or business days.
Plus settlement in XRP doesn't require to have the money they are trying to send in a prefunded account for whatever foreign exchange currency you're trying to send.

The last financial crisis was basically a shortage of liquidity in the market. Xrp solves that problem instead of the government printing more dollars further devaluing USD.
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Because there's lest volatility in 3 to 4 seconds than 3 to 4 hours or business days.
Plus settlement in XRP doesn't require to have the money they are trying to send in a prefunded account for whatever foreign exchange currency you're trying to send.

The last financial crisis was basically a shortage of liquidity in the market. Xrp solves that problem instead of the government printing more dollars further devaluing USD.

Currently there is more volatility in 4 seconds in XRP than major currencies over a few hours. Even assuming that changes in the future, what is the incentive to hold it for more than 4 seconds? If there is 20 B worth in circulation already(with another 35B+ locked up), that could easily handle the majority of the worlds settlements at current valuations (SWIFT currently handles only $57M per second on avg.). Assuming 4 second settements, $230M in XRP is all that would be needed.
Team HODL.

I don't care what anyone says, I should of have sold when everything was high, hell, even after it started falling back.

Just when the world was embracing it ... I just don't see how can another bull rush happen.

Dudes that refi their homes and bought in and are still HODL, at least right now, they are ******.
I am not sure where eth is going because of all the crackdown on the ico's. A lot of the projects are liquidating there ether. The ico boom was the reason for eth price surge.
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